Charles Murray at the Freedom Center’s Wednesday Morning Club Charles Murray’s new book, “Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010,” was the subject of his April 30th talk at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s Wednesday Morning Club. The purpose of the book, Murray explained, was to set up a candid conversation on the […]
An overtly antisemitic cartoon was posted on at least three pro-Palestinian Facebook websites on 28 March 2012: “Social Justice Network”, “Vigil on the Palestinian Land Day and against the threats of war on the Middle East”, and “Australians Against the War on the Middle East”. This cartoon plays directly on the 2,000 year old accusation of the Jews as Christ-killers, an accusation which not only incited hatred of Jews but resulted in ongoing massacres of Jews. The cartoon character is explicitly an image of Jesus and his crucifixion, as denoted by the Star of David at the top (instead of “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”), and a rocket (instead of a spear) into the side of the character.
Julie Nathan, research officer of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, has written a well-documented article headed “We’re not racist,we just hate Jews” in which she exposes antisemitism in the Australian pro-Palestinian movement.
It’s an important article, and because I feel it deserves to be seen outside Australia I’m taking the liberty of reproducing here, from J-Wire, the bulk of what she writes (but for the full article, including footnotes, go here ):
‘On a Students for Palestine (Melbourne) Facebook site, “EMERGENCY MEETING: Don’t let them stop pro-Palestine protests in Melbourne”, set up by “Vashti Jane” for Victorian Students for Palestine, advertising a meeting to “DISCUSS THE NEXT ACTION” including where to hold the next anti-Israel action, a Paul Duggan posted (on 12-7-2011) the comment: “protest in the major jewish suburb Windsor, near Prahran.” This comment shows that there are some who feel it is quite legitimate to direct anti-Israel protest against Jews, including in their suburban homes, regardless of their actual views.
On another Students for Palestine (Melbourne) Facebook site, “Protesting Max Brenner’s support for the Israeli military”, set up by “Vashti Jane” for Victorian Students for Palestine a Jason Phan posted (on 10-7-2011) the comment: “i dont give a fuck , jews are pricks!!!!!” Such language is clearly antisemitic, yet when such comments are not removed for days or weeks but are allowed to remain on the webpage this indicates at best a tolerance, at worst a support, for such antisemitic sentiment….
First lady back in Vegas for $2,500-a-head breakfast
The Washington Examiner
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
First Lady Michelle Obama just finished up a private fundraising breakfast in Las Vegas, the second time she has visited the city in just over a month. Read more…
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Ex-CIA official: Obama broke intelligence ‘covenant’
The Washington Free Beacon
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Jose Rodriguez, the former director of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service and author of the newly released book ”Hard Measures,” has blasted Democratic leadership at all levels this week, charging that attacks on the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program puts American lives at risk. Read more…
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Warren, 1/32nd Cherokee, did exploit minority status
Scrambling to validate Democrat Eliz…
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Right Now 24|7
Liberals want to turn ‘illegal’ into racial slur
The Raw Story
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Liberals want to turn ‘illegal’ into racial slur
A Fox News guest on Monday rejected calls to drop the use of term “illegals,” and suggested that undocumented immigrants could “return to their country” if they didn’t like the word. Read more…
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Unmasking Muhammad’s Dubious Existence
Author Robert Spencer, founder of the major website Jihad Watch, recently published a book with the provocative title Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins.
The foreword was written by the eminent scholar Johannes J. G. (Hans) Jansen, an Arabist and a Professor of Modern Islamic Thought at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands until his retirement in 2008. Among his other accomplishments, he has translated the Koran into Dutch. Jansen points out that what sparse information and physical evidence we do have does not seem to confirm the traditional Islamic accounts of the sixth and seventh centuries.
In fact, archaeological findings contradict the traditional picture. Only further archaeological work in present-day Arabia and Greater Syria can shed more light on these issues. In Saudi Arabia, such excavations are forbidden, and Wahhabi hardliners have actively destroyed some sites. Furthermore, the religious authorities may not be interested in bringing to light findings that might contradict their religious views or undermine Saudi Arabia’s central status in Islam.
As Jansen states, “An Iraqi scholar, Ibn Ishaq (c. 760), wrote a book that is the basis of all biographies of Muhammad. No biographical sketches of Muhammad exist that do not depend on Ibn Ishaq. If an analysis of Ibn Ishaq’s book establishes that for whatever reason it cannot be seen as an historical source, all knowledge we possess about Muhammad evaporates. When Ibn Ishaq’s much-quoted and popular book turns out to be nothing but pious fiction, we will have to accept that it is not likely we will ever discover the truth about Muhammad.” Recently, taking my daily masochistic glance at the New York Times website, I noticed a link to an article arrestingly entitled “Unexceptionalism: A Primer,” which, judging from the thumbnail description, was apparently a lament about the decline and fall of the U.S., presented in the form of a how-to guide. I clicked through. The […]
“On college campuses, Obama stretches out his hand, urging students to take it and make that great leap forward with him into the future. That is what this election is really about and that is what this year will decide. Do we leap forward with him off the cliff or do we turn back and try to find a better way ahead?”
The Obama slogan for 2012 is in and it’s “Forward”, which is a compact version of that old classic, “Don’t change horses in the middle of a stream” that every incumbent is forced to run on sooner or later. Forward implies that there’s no alternative but to go backward, which is a place that no right-thinking person wants to go.
Today, President Obama essentially declared victory in Afghanistan. Just in time for his re-election campaign, of course.
First, he blamed President Bush for us not winning the Afghanistan war sooner. “Despite initial success, for a number of reasons, this war has taken longer than most anticipated,” said Obama. What were those reasons? “America spent nearly eight years fighting a different war in Iraq.”
Then he claimed credit for President Bush’s goals: “The goal that I set – to defeat al Qaeda, and deny it a chance to rebuild – is within reach.” Only that was Bush’s goal, not Obama’s. Obama was late to the party; he was busy accusing American troops of air-raiding villages and killing civilians.
Obama couldn’t avoid playing politics. After all, that’s why he was in Afghanistan in the first place, just in time for the anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s killing.
And Bin Laden played a crucial part in the speech. “Over the last three years,” Obama said, “the tide has turned.” Except for the massive increase in American deaths and loss of control in Afghanistan, of course. Hamid Karzai has been busily working with the Iranian regime to ensure that he has support once the United States leaves.
Obama’s main point is that if he’s left in charge – if he’s re-elected – he will withdraw all American troops by 2014. Once again, we get his reiterated timeline – a timeline he spelled out last year, and that has not changed. So he’s reiterating what we already knew. In primetime.–hours-after-US-President-Barack-Obamas-visit
Firefighters are seen extinguishing a burning car at the site of a suicide bomb attack in Kabul on May 2. Taliban insurgents claimed a suicide attack in the Afghan capital Kabul, shortly after US President Barack Obama left the city after an overnight visit.
Obama had used the “surprise” visit to deliver a speech marking the anniversary of the killing of Osama bin Laden, and to highlight his administration’s success in what the previous administration had called the War on Terror.
The Obama administration has opened negotiations with the Taliban, which sheltered bin Laden and Al Qaeda for years, and shows no sign of relenting in its terrorist campaign, even as U.S. forces continue to withdraw from the region.
AFPI wire services and Breitbart News contributed to this repor
Once again pundits are claiming that housing is “finally recovering.” But they’re overlooking three peaks: Peak Housing, Peak Financial Fraud, and Peak Suburbia, all of which suggest years of stagnation and decline, not “recovery.”
Here is the latest Case-Shiller index, which has traced out a nearly textbook bubble and a return to the mean that has been artificially restrained by trillions of dollars of Federal subsidies and backstopping of the housing market: