The new anti-Semitism Op-ed: Anti-Israel campaign identifies Jews as immoral, Jewish state as historical fraud Op-ed: Anti-Israel campaign identifies Jews as immoral, Jewish state as historical fraud
It’s Jew-hating time, again. No cross-burnings or bomb-wearing psychos screaming for Allah. It’s sophisticated, draped by UN and EU glitz, banal reports about Israeli atrocities, and Palestinian liberation. It’s so holy, so morally pompous, and fashionable.
Criticizing Israel doesn’t lack for issues: “apartheid,” “war crimes,” “stealing Palestinian land,” “oppressing Palestinians,” “the occupation,” etc.
NGOs funded by European governments, the UN, and most Arab and Muslim organizations and countries, condemn Israel as a pariah state, unworthy of existence. In this pogrom of conscience they wear no hoods. Their masks are self-righteousness.
The mechanism for vilification and de-legitimization, Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaigns, is coordinated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee, an umbrella organization for dozens of Palestinian organizations, located in Ramallah and supported by the Palestinian Authority. A global movement, it is behind the spread of anti-Israel actions by churches, unions and student groups.
The mantra chants are easy: “End the Occupation,” “Justice for the Palestinians,” “Peace Now.” No need to think about complicated issues; just blame Israel. And Hate. Hate.
Anti-Israel campaigns overlap anti-Jewish sentiments. This explains why hate-Israel campaigns garner support from atheists, anarchists and even some Christians, why young people wrap themselves in checkered scarves, like Arafat, and come to Israel in order to fight alongside Arabs, some placing themselves in danger, and why EU countries, with hard-hit economies, spend hundreds of millions of Euros every year supporting anti-Israel organizations.