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Günter Grass has been transformed overnight into the poster boy of Neo-Nazis, leftist anti-Semites, and jihadists from all around the world. This is of course thanks to his “poem,” in which he proclaims Israel a far worse danger to world peace than Iran is. (Grass’s original poem is in the language of Himmler but an English translation can be read here.) Grass insists that an Iran openly building nukes and threatening to use them against Israel and the West is far less of a global threat than an Israel that dares to defend its civilians from terrorist attacks.

While the condemnation of Grass from most corners of civilization has been massive and dramatic, Grass is also attracting a considerable following and outpouring of support from the Axis of Evil, the one that allies the radical Left to the genocidal Islamofascists. Statements endorsing the Teuton and his “poem” have come from the radical Left, all the way from Noam Chomsky to the Israel-hating Israeli professor of German history, Moshe Zimmerman from the Hebrew University. No relation to the shooter in Florida.

Grass has quite a bit of a track record when it comes to Jew bashing (but is hardly the only anti-Semite literary figure). Best recognized for his Hitler moustache, Grass had served in the Waffen SS as a Panzer soldier. He is putting his SS experiences to good use these days in his lobbying for Israel’s destruction. His poem, expressing clearly his underlying desire to see Israel exterminated, triggered Israel’s Minister of the Interior to declare him persona non grata, in effect banned from Israel. Even leftist “post-Zionist” Tom Segev, writing in Israel’s radical leftist daily Haaretz, denounced Grass in these words:


URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/12/jerusalem-and-jews-under-attack/

This week on FP Raymond Ibrahim published a short but powerful report on a Tunisian church coming under threats and abuse from Islamists. “Church members,” Ibrahim notes,

are described [in Al Quds] as “living in a state of terror…. Salafis covered the cross of the church with garbage bags, telling the church members that they do not wish to see the vision of the Cross anywhere in the Islamic state of Tunisia.”

Ibrahim also points out that Tunisia has long been considered one of the most “secular” and “liberal” Arab countries—while now “its very few churches are not tolerated, and their crucifixes abhorred…. More evidence of the true nature of the ‘Arab Spring.’”

But it is not only minority groups in the region, like Christians in Tunisia and elsewhere, who suffer from this sort of abuse, and by no means only Salafi elements who perpetrate it. Jews are a majority in Israel, and they grant full citizenship to non-Jews in the country including those in East Jerusalem (who mostly decline it). But it doesn’t necessarily help.

A recent Jerusalem Post editorial lamented a difficult situation on the Mount of Olives—the mountain ridge in East Jerusalem that has served as a Jewish cemetery for over three thousand years. In an incident late last month,

a young bridegroom wished to say a short prayer at his mother’s grave on [the] Mount of Olives…. He was driven up by his friend Dror Klein.

As they neared their destination, a bucket of white paint crashed into the front windshield, obscuring Dror’s view. A hail of stones followed.

In minutes some 30 to 40 young Arabs surrounded the vehicle, rocking it menacingly and hurling large rocks, cement blocks and broken pavement fragments at the two.

The bridegroom was dragged out of the car, a boulder was smashed on his head and he was beaten up to the sounds of Alahu Akhbar (God is great). Dror somehow managed to maneuver his Hyundai directly at the attackers. As they momentarily scurried, the bridegroom and his resourceful driver got away by the skin of their teeth.

The two—who felt that they were threatened with death and started reciting a Jewish prayer for that situation—got out with what the police defined as “light injuries.”

But as the editorial notes, the incident was by no means unusual:



On Tuesday, April 10, President Obama spoke in Boca Raton at Florida Atlantic University. He promptly showed that he needs a remedial course in basic economics.

The speech covered all the same ground as the rest of his speeches lately: he’s declaring class warfare on the rich. In this speech, though, he went into particular depth on his vision of economics. Or rather, his blindness with regard to economics.

Obama casts his re-election campaign as a debate between becoming a nation “where a shrinking number of people are doing really, really well, but a growing number are struggling to get by,” and a nation where “everybody gets a fair shot … does a fair share … plays by the same set of rules.”

There’s only one problem with this – Obama isn’t on the side he thinks he’s on. According to Robert Reich, Obama’s interim economic advisor, Obama’s supposed economic recovery has gone almost entirely to the top 1%. So his economy is the economy creating unfairness – greater government interventionism does not translate into greater prosperity for those who are not top earners.


URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2012/04/12/class-warfare-the-last-refuge-of-a-failed-presidency/

Now that Mitt Romney will be Obama’s opponent in November, the Democrats are rolling out the false narrative they will use to demonize Romney and obscure four years of failed economic policies that have created the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression. In two recent speeches, Obama has begun heating up his class warfare rhetoric in an attempt to paint Republicans as the heartless minions of greedy capitalists who increase their wealth at the expense of everybody else.

On April 3, Obama went after Representative Paul Ryan and his budget, which Obama linked explicitly to Romney. Ryan’s budget actually addresses the key problems of out of control government spending and rapidly metastasizing entitlement costs, the looming fiscal train-wreck that Obama and the Democrats have avoided dealing with for over 3 years. Masking this dereliction of duty, Obama in his speech instead piled up lie after lie about Ryan’s budget, spicing the whole with question-begging rhetoric. Financial aid cut for 10 million college students, 1,600 fewer grants for Alzheimer’s and AIDS research, clean energy technology cut by a fifth, 200,000 pre-schoolers banished from Head Start, 2 million mothers and children denied healthy food, cuts to the Department of Justice and the FBI, national parks closed, air, food, and water safety compromised, less accurate weather forecasts, more flight cancellations at airports––this whole catalogue of apocalyptic disasters is a patent lie, one worsened by the charge that Ryan’s budget is “thinly veiled social Darwinism” designed to further enrich the already bloated 1% by ruthlessly cutting government programs. In fact, the Ryan budget increases spending from $3.6 trillion this year to almost $4.9 trillion in 2022.


URL to article: http://pjmedia.com/jchristianadams/2012/04/11/voter-id-has-broken-leftist-containment/

Things are not going well for voter ID opponents. (And don’t miss Scott Ott’s recent PJTV video: You’ll Never Guess Which Liberal Groups Are Demanding ID.)

Things are not going well for voter ID opponents. The latest James O’Keefe video is the most recent problem for the left. The bigger problem is that the voter ID debate has broken leftist containment, and the left has made an enormous strategic miscalculation by elevating the voter ID fight.



“The fashionable, respectable anti-Semitism of European intellectual salons in the early 20th century made the Nazi persecutions of Jews palatable. The fashionable, respectable anti-Israelism of European intellectual salons in the early 21st century makes Ahmedinejad’s calls for our extinction palatable.”

This week in 1903 Shalom Aleichem, the giant of Yiddish literature, wrote a letter to Leo Tolstoy, the giant of Russian literature. It was shortly after the gruesome Kishinev pogrom. Shalom Aleichem planned to publish a modest compilation about the atrocity, to which he asked Tolstoy to contribute a short message to “Russia’s millions of distraught and disoriented Jews, who more than anything need a word of comfort.” Tolstoy never so much as bothered to reply.

The famed novelist, feted as the conscience of Russia, received dozens such letters urging him to speak out against the slaughters – then a seminal trauma in Jewish annals. The Holocaust was decades away. Nobody 109 years ago could imagine anything more bloodcurdling than the horrors of Kishinev.

But not everyone was moved – not even a renowned humanitarian like Tolstoy.
Not only did he not speak out, but he resented the entreaties.


A Report Card For Obama — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Tom Dreesen, Dwight Schultz and Sonja Schmidt give a grade to the Radical-in-Chief.




‘This country saved my life,’ says 91-year-old microbiologist Nathan Citri. In return, he is saving others with Israeli medical ingenuity.At 91, Prof. Nathan Citri offers no advice on how to achieve longevity. That he’s made it this far — with a mind so sharp he is still inventing innovative medical diagnostic kits — may be thanks to long walks or good genes.

He cannot know for sure, since the Nazis cut short the lives of his parents and his only sister.

“This country saved my life,” says Citri. In return, he continues to give Israel the best of his extraordinary knowledge in microbiology.

Born Natan Cytrynowski in Lodz, Poland, the future Hebrew University researcher was raised in a Hebrew-speaking home by Zionist educators.

“How many people spoke Hebrew at home in those days? Nobody else I know of,” he tells ISRAEL21c with a laugh. He vividly recalls visitors marveling that the Cytrynowski kids not only conversed in Hebrew but even cried out in Hebrew when they were upset. “I always say that my mother tongue is Hebrew even though my mother never made it to Israel.”


The Power of Lexicon

The trust of the innocent is the liar’s most useful tool ~Stephen King

This is what the Government of Israel counted on when it signed the Oslo Accords; or when it forced its will on the people and evicted 10,000 good and productive citizen from their homes in the Gush Katif communities and made them homeless and jobless overnight.

Controlling the masses, in tyranny or democrazy [sic], is the only way for people, at the top, to remain in power for their own narcissistic and need for power reasons. Since the ruling elite have access to all the tools to control the masses – army, police and courts – they force their will on the people, by fear and intimidation, and other bestial means.

One other tool is using lexicon that serves their cause and goal.


Hundreds of young female immigrants are hiding from their families in Germany after fleeing oppression, physical violence and even death threats. Charities and social workers help the women get new identities and build independent lives for themselves, but the risk of revenge from honor-obsessed relatives remains.

Bahar ran away early on a winter morning, one-and-a-half years after her mother was murdered. She helped her younger siblings get ready for school, and then she gave them a goodbye kiss on the forehead. Her uncle and her brothers were still sleeping. Bahar tiptoed out of the apartment in her socks, walked down the stairs and out the door. And then she ran for her life.

Today Bahar is 26 and likes to wear high-heeled shoes. She has chosen a popular café in a small city as a meeting point. She is wearing a modest amount of makeup, and her black hair is pulled back into a bun. She smiles tentatively and introduces herself, using the name in her new passport, which, for her protection, cannot be used in this article.