“We in America know the benevolence that is at the heart of Islam.” Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice said in 2005 at the United States State Department’s annual Ramadan dinner. (I don’t know why I still bother with italics as though they actually underscore something out of the ordinary, but I do.)
“Really?” I asked in The Death of the Grown-Up. “Is that what we know? Is that what history tells us? Is that what current events tell us? Rice’s speechifying … made a wicked contrast to real live Ramadan ’05 headlines,” which included a Muslim suicide bombing in Hadera that killed six Israelis, Ahmadinejad’s promise that “the stain of disgrace” — meaning Israel– would be “purged from the center of the Islamic world,” weeks of Muslim rioting in Paris, “and the news that a London Underground suicide bomber had been buried in Pakistan … at the shrine of an Islamic saint.”
This last bit came back to me on seeing this video at Vlad Tepes showing French police in riot gear lined up to prevent Muslim women in Toulouse, France from doing an act best described as satanic — laying flowers at the childhood home of the monster Mohamed Merah, who notoriously confessed to having felt unending pleasure at murdering seven people recently, including three soldiers, a rabbi and three children, among them 7-year-old Miriam Monsenego (above), who ran in terror from Merah before he grabbed her by the hair and shot her in the head. Are the women who tried to place flowers at Merah’s “extremists”? “Islamists”? “Islamo-facsists”? Have they “hijacked” a great religion? I regret to inform you that they are simply following its example.