In his meeting with Netanyahu at the White House after his AIPAC speech, Obama assured Netanyahu, “The United States will always have Israel’s back when it comes to Israel’s security.” That should worry those who think that Israel has the right to exist. In the 2008 campaign Obama adopted a pro-Israel stance. He staunchly […]
1. MUST SEE VIDEO: ‘Toward the Sounds of Chaos’: Chilling New Marine Corps Ad Resolves to ‘Silence Tyranny and Injustice’ – Marines face down the threats of our time – God Bless Them!
2. VIDEO: CIC Obama: I’m “Generally Proud” of American Troops…
3. (ObamaCare Satire) Coffee Is an Essential Benefit Too – Here are some other health-care mandates that government should impose on employers.
4. VIDEO: Burdened by Debt: U.S. Owes as Much as it Makes – Rubio: “Debt as far as the eye can see.”
5. MEDIA BIAS VIDEO: With Pictures of House GOPers On Screen CNN Rips Congress for Not Passing Budget in 1000 Days
6. VIDEO: 11-Year-Old Reporter Challenges Michelle Obama on ‘Government’ Role in Anti-Childhood Obesity Push
7. VIDEO: Rep. Allen West sounds off on former Mossad chief’s comments about a potential Israeli strike on Iran – Israel, Iran and potential Mideast devastation
8. ‘Good Christian’ Show Attacks Christians 72 Times in 2 Episodes
9. It’s a dirty job: Police nationwide take on soaring Tide detergent theft
During the past decade the civilized world has experienced the same Islamic threat to survival that it was exposed to centuries ago, but the danger of destruction and success of the insane ideology is substantially greater. No longer do the Islamists just use scepters and knives to kill and enslave disagreeable Muslims and non-Muslims, they now have advanced arms and human bombs, with weapons of mass destruction looming on the horizon.
Much of the world struggles with the question of how to defeat Islamic tyranny, while others insist on ignoring the lessons of history and try to mollify Islam with appeasement in one form or another. Appeasement doesn’t work; world history is replete with examples. No amount of appeasing Hitler prevented a world war and the Holocaust. Giving in to Stalin’s quest for communist world domination didn’t stop the expansion of communist ideology and enslavement of large numbers of people. Appeasement by ignoring brutal treatment in Southeast Asia only led to killing of millions of people just as it has in Africa. And appeasing Castro by failing to assist brave men who sought to overthrow his dictatorship has left an entire country of people who don’t remember what it is like to live in freedom.,css.print/pub_detail.asp
The recent Obama-Netanyahu conclave has evoked a jamboree of media speculation. Will Israel act unilaterally to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities? Does the Obama administration really have Israel’s back as the president indicated? And where is that “red line,” the point at which an attack must occur to prevent an Iran with “secure” nuclear weapons? Despite all the diplomatic bonhomie, and announcements of solidarity, questions remain – questions fraught with uncomfortable implications.
U.S. officials made it clear that President Obama will not go beyond the broad policy enunciated in the past: that the United States is committed to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon through diplomacy and sanctions and, as a last resort, force. Here too equivocation prevails. Secretary of Defense Panetta has indicated a reluctance to apply military force in this matter, and questioned the effectiveness of an Israeli strike, a position adopted by others in the administration. The mainstream media has finally noticed the fertility implosion in the Muslim world, the title of David Brooks’ column today in the New York Times. Brooks bases his peroration on a thin paper by Nicholas Eberstadt and Apoorva Shah at the American Enterprise Institute, “Fertility Decline in the Muslim World; A Veritable Sea-Change, Still […]
Uncertainty Is An Excuse For Obama Inaction In Middle East
Hundreds of articles analyze whether the US should or not take a stronger stand vis a vis Syria or Iran. The articles usually increase uncertainty among readers. In the absence of complete information as to all the players’ goals and means or perfect knowledge beforehand about the outcomes, the reader is understandably confused or paralyzed by doubts. Indeed, that seems the purpose of many analyses and comments by officials.
It is impossible to know with certainty in advance the effect and outcomes of the many variables and responses possible. So, uncertainty is natural. But, uncertainty does not require indecisiveness nor excuse inaction.
Celebrating Evil
Once again, the Palestinians take to the streets to ‘celebrate’. They did it after 9/11, they did it when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, and they do it in Gaza whenever…
Another Fake Photo
A fake photo… injured Palestinian child… smears Israel… circulated on Twitter by UN employee… yep, sounds about right, i.e., business as usual for the UN, Palestinian ‘activists’ and…
Don’t Hold Your Breath
In a Washington Post op-ed, US President Obama and UK Prime Minister Cameron once AGAIN condemned the ‘Syrian regime’s horrific violence against innocent civilians,’ which will no doubt provide…
‘Virginity Tests’ In Egypt
In a case that has sparked national outcry in Egypt, an Egyptian military court acquitted an army doctor accused of conducting forced ‘virginity tests’ on female protesters. Just a preview of coming attractions…
Yes, We Can (Then Again…)
Senior US officials say the U.S. would not necessarily know if Tehran started secretly building an atomic bomb, to which we would say, uh duh, and welcome to the world of……/
Our Security Hinges On…
Nation-building in Islamic lands does not make us safer. Our security does not hinge on their freedom; it hinges on their knowing that we are not to be trifled with, aka the “don’t-mess-with-us” policy……/
Mother, May I?
The problem with clarifications to idiotic statements is they often give rise to more idiotic statements. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s comments to the Senate Armed Services Committee…
Another Day At Cesspool Central
Only in this Orwellian institution could a barbaric regime, which is slaughtering its own citizens in the streets have a seat on the human rights committee… The silence in the mainstream media was deafening. Silence about what? Well simply put. The Palestinians launched a massive missile barrage against southern Israeli cities, towns and villages. These communities endured for several days a barrage from the Gaza Strip of well over 200 lethal missiles aimed deliberately by Palestinian terrorists at Israeli civilian […] One year ago, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu wanted to hear the world, or at least the allegedly civilized Western world, condemn in emphatic words of sincere condemnation the barbaric slaughter of a Jewish family – the Fogels – a vile crime perpetrated by Arabs calling themselves Palestinians. But the Prime Minister needn’t have bothered […]
By Anthony Summers and Dan Christensen
Former Florida Sen. Bob Graham, who co-chaired Congress’ Joint Inquiry into the 9/11 terrorist attacks, has seen two classified FBI documents that he says are at odds with the bureau’s public statements that there was no connection between the hijackers and Saudis then living in Sarasota, Fla.
“There are significant inconsistencies between the public statements of the FBI in September and what I read in the classified documents,” Graham said.
“One document adds to the evidence that the investigation was not the robust inquiry claimed by the FBI,” Graham said. “An important investigative lead was not pursued and unsubstantiated statements were accepted as truth.”
Whether the 9/11 hijackers acted alone, or whether they had support within the U.S., remains an unanswered question — one that began to be asked as soon as it became known that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi citizens. It was underlined when Congress’s bipartisan inquiry released its public report in July 2003. The final 28 pages, regarding possible foreign support for the terrorists, were censored in their entirety — on President George W. Bush’s instructions.