The Control Factor: Our Struggle to See the True Threat by Bill Siegel (Jan 12, 2012)
Why do we continue to indulge the fantasies about the real threats to our society, our judiciary, our academies , our security, our national culture and our survival posed by Islamic jihad? In praising this book, Andrew McCarthy (among others, including Steve Emerson and Herb London) states it perfectly:
“Willfull blindness, today’s refusal to come to grips with the Islamic threat to the West, is America’s most profound national security vulnerability. Supremacist Islam’s campaign has targeted the United States by violent jihad. a softer and more insidious march through our institutions, and lawfare salvos fired in American courts and international tribunals. Desperate to avoid offense to Islamist activists and their allies, we surrender to the politically correct narrative that the vital measures taken on our own defense are the cause of our peril. The Control Factor powerfully unfolds the process of self delusion and the ssstruggle to remove the scales we’ve placed over our eyes. Survival of the West’s freedom culture- our commitment to critical inquiry based ordered liberty, and human reason- hangs in the balance.”
The Control Factor: Our Struggle to See the True Threat by Bill Siegel (Jan 12, 2012)
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