1. Mosques in America nearly double since 9/11
2. U.S. in talks to swap JIHAD TERROR Sheikh Rahman and 49 others for 19 Americans held in Egypt – Whose side are they on?
3. VIDEO: Saudi Scholar: ‘The Freedom Enjoyed in the West Is a Hundred Times Better Than in Islamic Countries’
4. VIDEO: New Voter Fraud Study Shows Problem Much Bigger than the Media Admits – Watch Undercover Reporters Register Tim Tebow and Tom Brady to Vote!
5. Egypt: U.S. to Abide Jihad Ransom for Imprisoned Americans?
6. The Truth About President Kennedy
7. SATIRE VIDEO: NewsBusted (02-28-2012) – President Obama Apologizes For Koran Burnings
8. VIDEO: Jonah Goldberg says U.S. needs to stop doing deals with North Korea like today’s no missile launches for food agreement.
9. VIDEO TRIBUTE: RIP Davy Jones – the lead singer of the pop group The Monkees, died Wednesday at the age of 66.
10. VIDEO: What is Leap Year? Leap Year explained – in the best possible way.
http://newmediajournal.us/indx.php/item/4754 I was, yet again, set to write about the reprehensible behavior of the Republican presidential candidates and their enabling by the Republican National Committee when news broke of the passing of Conservative new media publisher and advocate, Andrew Breitbart. To be certain, the loss of Mr. Breitbart, at the incredibly young age of 43, […]
NCJA Demands Clinton Explain US funding of representative Ken Insley
at Arab anti-Israel conference to “combat Judaization of Jerusalem” DATED: March 1, 2012
The National Council on Jewish Affairs calls on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to explain whether United States tax dollars were spent on State Department consultant Kenneth Insley’s blistering attack on America’s ally Israel and his vicious jabs at members of congress, at an Israel-bashing conference held on February 26-27, in Doha, Qatar.
The “International Conference for the Defense of Occupied Jerusalem,” or, as it was referred to in the English-language media, “Conference on Jerusalem,” was created, according to its organizers, the Arab League, to “combat the Judaization of Jerusalem.”
“Why did Ken Insley, whose official conference listing named the US State Department as his place of employment, tell an already hate-filled audience that Americans’ willingness to turn a blind eye to Israel’s ‘shameful treatment of Palestinians in Gaza, and in Jerusalem’ is the cause of Arab enmity towards America, and that unless a Palestinian State is created ‘there will be Armageddon’,” asked Lori Lowenthal Marcus, NCJA executive committee chair. “Further, why did he suggest to them that they should understand ‘U.S. politicians care more about Israel than the foreign policy interests of their own country?’”
… but with a Chechen-Jewish Drug Smuggler Named Christo
“Hezbollah is all over Latin America; Hamas is showing up there; Iran’s paramilitary Qods force is reported to be operating out of Venezuela; Hezbollah and Somali Islamists have already sneaked illegally across our border from Mexico; the great majority of drug criminals in Latin America are Latin American – yet the production team for Act of Valor decided to make the villains in the movie Chechens, and make the Chechen drug smuggler a Jew. Why in the name of Jumping Jehoshaphat did they do that?”
Let me state up front that I don’t think the filmmakers meant anything by the “Christo” character. I do think they stumbled haplessly on a hornet’s nest of anti-Semitic tropes – and thereby hangs a tale that matters.
Act of Valor is a moving, gripping film, all the more so for being enacted by real Navy SEALs. (Full disclosure: this reviewer is a 20-year Navy veteran, and while definitely not a SEAL was privileged to work with some.) The one major flaw I found with the production, per se, was the rather annoying sound track, which could have dispensed with the hackneyed crescendos at suspenseful moments. What the SEALs do needs no audience-cues or embellishment.
And they do incredible things. The movie conveys well the deceptive simplicity of their narrowly-scoped tactical operations. Naval Special Warfare is the unique funnel through which attack submarines, amphibious assault ships, and special-purpose aircraft are brought to bear on strange, one-off combat problems for which they weren’t necessarily designed. The whole Navy – indeed, all the special ops capabilities the United States has – makes up a big bag of tricks for the SEALs to reach into.
http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/archives/19272-Obamas-Hypocritical-Praise-of-Iraq-War-Veterans.html Obama’s Hypocritical Praise of Iraq War Veterans Whoever wrote President Obama’s speech at a dinner last night to honor Iraq War veterans did an excellent job of highlighting the vets’ qualities and their lessons to all Americans. (Emphasis added) However, it is praise that is election year hypocrisy. “You taught us about duty. Blessed […]
Judge Martin, Sharia, and Islamic Kadi “Justice”
Judge Mark Martin [1]—now infamous for presiding over the “Zombie Muhammad [2]” case [3]—was incorrectly identified by me [4] as a self-professed Muslim, based upon a faulty audio [5] recording of the court proceedings (see blogs here [6] and here [7] by Andrew C. McCarthy for the audio sleuthing, and clarification).
Nevertheless, the salient points remain Martin’s alarming deference to Islam’s Sharia-based understanding of blasphemy [8]—a non-existent “crime” in American constitutional law—and his concurrent warped misinterpretation of the First Amendment [9], which led him to behave as a de facto, albeit non-Muslim, kadi [4].
Moreover, before ever again belching forth uninformed, pious platitudes about Islam in his court room, I suggest Judge Martin read and ponder this sobering account written by Col. Felix A. Mathews, July 20, 1879. Mathews was an American consul to Morocco, serving in Tangier, from 1869-1893. What follows are extracts from Mathews’ unsparing analysis of the Sharia—Islam’s religio-political quintessence—and the consequences of its administration as “law,” based upon his intimate firsthand experience, after an entire decade in residence.
My wife and I just saw the film “In Darkness,” which tells the true story of a Polish man who saved a dozen Jewish men, women and children from the Nazis by hiding them for 14 months in sewers. The heroism of the man is clear, but so is the depressing state of a world that forced human beings to hide in sewers.
Hitler rearmed Germany, thus breaking the treaty that ended World War I. Then he reoccupied the Rhineland. Then he seized part of Czechoslovakia, and then the rest of it. Still the world did nothing, hoping the Nazi regime would be satisfied. But its appetite was merely whetted. Before the Nazis were defeated, at least 40 million people were dead, including one-third of all the Jews in the world, and four out of five European Jews.
Barack Obama just can’t help himself. Bowing to rogues and rascals, stooping low enough to bang his head on the sidewalk, comes naturally to him. He learned to talk by apologizing to everyone in the nursery. He was the prince of all he surveyed, and learned early that slick talk could take him almost anywhere.
The dreams of most little boys are made of throwing a no-hitter, of scoring the winning touchdown or stuffing a basketball down a hole with no time on the clock. Not little Barack. He dreamed of cocking his ear for the inevitable wave of applause after a nifty little speech.
The president clearly doesn’t understand why his countrymen are outraged when he goes off on one of his frequent apology riffs when no apology is needed or deserved. He never learned that Americans bow to no one. He absorbed as a child the notion that America is a rotten society with a debt to the tribes of the Third World that it can never repay.
Islamic ‘Honor’ Murder and Leftist Silence
by Frontpagemag.com
Frontpage’s editor addresses Newport Harbor Republican Women on the lethal unholy alliance.
Leaving the Progressive Faith — on The Glazov Gang
by Jamie Glazov
Andrew Klavan, Evan Sayet and Eric Allen Bell share their experience with breaking ranks with the Left.
What Is Right About Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer
by Eric Allen Bell
A call for support from a former critic.
“The West doesn‘t get it. Muslim masses will never be free so long as they love the lie. Deposing one despot or another won’t lift the Mideast into the 21st century. That won’t happen until a groundswell of opinion openly admits that it’s as OK to dissent from Islamic dogma as to speak one’s mind in the Judeo-Christian setting; that Islam isn’t inherently entitled to world domination; that millennia of Jewish history in this land cannot be willfully erased; that the Israeli-Arab conflict isn’t the heart of all that ails the Arab world; that the conflict is constructed on Arab lies.”
An Arab fable (as distinct from a potentially biased Western narrative) focuses on Effendi Mustafa’s relaxing afternoon in his idyllic orchard. Suddenly Mustafa’s pastoral peace is disrupted by a bunch of mischievous boys exuberantly chasing each other among his trees. Mustafa’s yells and threats go unheeded. He realizes he must conjure up a clever ruse to get rid of the noisy intruders.
He cloyingly summons them and whispers that apples of solid gold hang heavy off the boughs in their neighbor Ahmed’s garden. If the youngsters rush over quickly enough, Mustafa counseled, they may avail themselves of the alluring bounty. No sooner had he finished spinning his tale, than the kids disappeared in search of fabulous riches.
How sweet the lie!