Changing Springfield
Arie Friedman is running for State Senate to change the direction of our state government.
As a physician, Arie will provide much needed experience and knowledge regarding our state’s fastest growing expenditure: health care. There currently is not a single physician in the General Assembly; despite this, the legislature routinely makes far-reaching health care decisions.
As a small businessman, Arie also knows employers are having a tough time creating new jobs – a problem made worse by the higher taxes passed in January of 2011. Arie will vote to repeal those taxes.
And, as a father with children in public schools, Arie knows their futures should not be tied to union rules and a bureaucracy more interested in tenure and pensions than in students. Arie believes in real education reform.
Friedman for State Senate
P.O. Box 831
Northbrook, IL 60065
PH: (847) 220-7337
FAX: (847) 793-7221