YES! THE USURPING HASHEMITES SHOULD END THEIR ILLEGITIMATE “OCCUPATION” OF LANDS TO WHICH THEY HAVE NO HISTORIC RIGHTS AT ALL…..RSK Enass Musallam was attacked and stabbed for calling for justice for the Palestinians in Jordan. But her story speaks to something much bigger. But she is more, as many students are. She is idealistic, […]
Henry Kopel is a counter-terrorism prosecutor with the US Department of Justice in Connecticut. The views here are his own, and do not reflect the views of the Justice Department
In the intellectuals’ war against Israel, there is no truth in labelling. To paraphrase Orwell, War is Peace, Ignorance is Enrichment, and Genocide is Liberal Democracy
The campaign among western intellectuals to delegitimize Israel’s existence scored a major symbolic victory this month, with the announcement that Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government will host on March 3-4, a conference advocating a “One State Solution” for Israel and the Palestinians.
“One State Solution” is the latest fashion among Israel’s enemies. If implemented, Israel would be merged into a single country with the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and both Jews and Palestinians living elsewhere would have a “right of return.”
Conveniently unmentioned in the Harvard conference brochure is that an influx of millions of Palestinians would create a majority vote for dismantling Israel and replacing it with a Palestinian-Arab state.
Palestinians may call this “One State,” but for Israeli Jews, the more accurate caption for this “solution” would seem to be “Final.”
That Harvard’s conferees have no intention of presenting a fair and honest debate on the implications of “One State” is made clear by the speakers list, which consists mostly of militant Palestinian advocates, plus a few left-wing Jewish extremists who question the validity of Israel’s existence. Such as:
– Ali Abunimah, the Palestinian-American Executive Director of the anti-Israel website “Electronic Intifadah,” who campaigns for “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” against Israel, and claims that Palestinian terrorism is all caused by Israel’s alleged “ongoing orgy of violence.”
– Sa’ed Atshan, a Harvard graduate student and pro-Palestinian activist, who condemns the United States as “the most anti-Palestinian country in the world after Israel,” and claims that Israel is an “apartheid state” comparable to the former South Africa.
– Diana Buttu, a Canadian lawyer of Palestinian descent, who has served as Mahmoud Abbas’s legal advisor, and has falsely claimed, among other things, that Israel “ethnically cleansed” millions of Palestinians in 1948, that no Israelis died from Palestinian suicide bombers in the late 1990’s, and that the thousands of Palestinian rockets launched into Israel contain no explosives.
This is the way your world ends
The end goal of many of the Occupiers, the end of capitalism, has not materialised, but rather we are all the more alert to the dangers of corporatism and state-led economic intervention
The Occupy London protestors were last night shifted from their makeshift commune, ushered quietly into the night – not with a bang, with a whimper.
The ‘protest’ has lasted for a measly 136 days, as scarcely coherent leftists descended upon one of London’s finest landmarks, leaving ruination and disappointment in their wake. The end goal of many of the Occupiers, the end of capitalism, has not materialised, but rather we are all the more alert to the dangers of corporatism and state-led economic intervention.
In l976, Pete du Pont was elected Governor of Delaware. He was re-elected in l980 to a second term, winning a record 7l% of the vote and becoming the first Delaware Governor reelected in 20 years. As Governor he signed into law two income tax reduction measures, the first tax reductions in Delaware’s history, and a constitutional amendment that restrained future tax increases and limited government spending. He balanced his state budget eight out of eight years. In selecting him as one of the “Delawareans of the Century,” the Wilmington News Journal said, “He set the stage for prosperity. As Delaware’s governor, du Pont revived [the] business climate.”
The Dependency Crisis More Americans live off government, and the Obama administration is encouraging the trend.
For the past several years, America’s public policy has been changing, not by chance but by an intentional effort to reshape our nation. The goal of the current federal government, led by the Obama administration, is to expand its influence and control of everything. Its regulatory policies, unprecedented peacetime spending increases, and expanding influence over private decision-making serve to increase government’s reach into everything, from schools, businesses, banks, families and individuals, to cars, roads, and personal health care.
The continual push of the Obama administration toward government-centric policies and large spending increases has compounded the lack of control of federal spending during the Bush administration. As a result, more and more Americans are dependent on the federal government. But what may be even more surprising is the historic magnitude of this increase in dependency on government. There have been many in the media, in politics and in the upper echelons of our military structure who have been “grappling” with this question; at least they would like you to believe that. The fact is those who seem to be trying to make sense of the events which unfolded in the wake […] I’ve been going to an interesting series of lectures on what is called Holocaust theology, the attempts to analyze what lessons about G-d can be drawn from the Holocaust, summed up in the question “Where’s G-d When Needed?” The learned views vary but, not having read the books, what seems missing is the question […] Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be in Washington, DC to address the AIPAC Conference on March 5. President Obama will also be speaking at the Conference. In preparation for this meeting, AIPAC officials have put out ridiculous messages about Pres. Obama being Israel’s best friend. That is so absurd in light of Obama’s […]
This week the world media was treated to another anti-Israel performance at the “The International Conference for the Defence of Occupied Jerusalem” in Qatar. According to the Qatar News Agency, a few hundred representatives from Arab, Islamic and other countries convened to discuss “the legal status of Jerusalem before and after the Israeli occupation, the reality and the future of Jerusalem under occupation, and the status of the holy places under international law.”
The conference, approved during the 22nd Arab League Summit in Libya in March 2010, is another step in the international de-legitimization of the Jewish history of Jerusalem. Among the attendees are PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli MK Ahmed Tibi, Arab League Secretary-General Nabil al-Arabi and Robert Serry, United Nations Coordinator for the Peace Process in the Middle East.
Understanding Radical Islam
Caliphate Conference Seeks Global Islamic State [with VIDEO]
A Muslim fundamentalist group is organizing a conference focused on turning Austria and other European countries into Islamic states.
The “Caliphate Conference 2012” will be held on March 10 in the Austrian town of Vösendorf, situated just south of Vienna. The main theme of the event will be “The Caliphate: The State Model of the Future.”
The conference is being organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir [Party of Liberation], a pan-Islamic extremist group that seeks to establish a global Islamic state, or caliphate, ruled by Islamic Sharia law.
Hizb ut-Tahrir — which is banned in many countries, including Germany, but is free to operate in Austria — is virulently opposed to Western capitalism and democracy and seeks to extend the future caliphate to Europe and the United States.
Harvard’s Latest Assault on Israel
Promoting the Jewish State’s destruction at a school dedicated to ‘democratic governance.’
In 1948, when the Arab League declared war on Israel, no one imagined that six decades later American universities would become its overseas agency. Yet campus incitement against Israel has been growing from California to the New York Island. A conference at Harvard next week called “Israel/Palestine and the One-State Solution” is but the latest aggression in an escalating campaign against the Jewish state.
The sequence is by now familiar: Arab student groups and self-styled progressives organize a conference or event like “Israeli Apartheid Week,” targeting Israel as the main problem of the Middle East. They frame the goals of these events in buzzwords of “expanding the range of academic debate.” But since the roster of speakers and subjects makes their hostile agenda indisputable, university spokespersons scramble to dissociate their institutions from the events they are sponsoring. Jewish students and alums debate whether to ignore or protest the aggression, and newspapers fueling the story give equal credence to Israel’s attackers and defenders.
A featured speaker at Harvard’s conference is Ali Abunimah, creator of the website Electronic Intifada, who opposes the existence of a “Jewish State” as racist by virtue of being Jewish. A regular on this circuit, he also keynoted a recent University of Pennsylvania conference urging “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions” (BDS) of, from and against Israel. Ostensibly dedicated to protecting Palestinian Arabs from Israeli oppression, BDS has by now achieved the status of an international “movement,” some of whose branches exclude Israeli academics from their journals and conferences.