Hi Gang:
My commentary today focuses on my most recent article for the CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) website which I have attached below. This time we will consider the statements made by none other than Janet Napolitano, the Secretary of the DHS, the agency I have come to refer to as the Department of Homeland Surrender.
If we were to prioritize the most important reasons that a government exists, protecting the lives and well being of the citizens of the country that is under the jurisdiction of that government would have to rate as the number one purpose for a government. In order to achieve that critical goal most countries have assembled military forces that are supposed to keep the enemies of those nations as far from the borders of those countries as possible, thereby preventing their respective countries from being invaded and/or attacked by their enemies.
From a military perspective, the borders of the nation it defends are the last line of defense while for law enforcement agencies within those countries, the borders are the first line of defense. Clearly the borders of a nation are of extreme importance and go to the very issue of sovereignty! When we studied geography back in school, whether it was in elementary school or at the university level, borders defined the nations that we studied and, throughout history, conflicts that resulted in wars often began over the issue of the placement of borders.
Our nation’s well being obviously depends on its security. Security, however, cannot be achieved when our borders only exist on maps and where unknown millions of illegal aliens who have evaded the vetting process that being inspected by CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors provides. Yet the President and many of our nation’s politicians have declared that it would be appropriate to provide a “pathway to citizenship” or at the very least, a “pathway to legal status” to unknown millions of illegal aliens whose true identities including their countries of citizenship and criminal backgrounds and possible association with criminal or terrorist organizations is unknown and unknowable.