Well you know the radical anti-democratic Left in Israel is upset
when even Haaretz runs a major news story about Isracampus and the
watchdog groups that are monitoring and exposing Israel’s tenured
Haaretz today ran the following news story, complete with all the
usual spins, half-truths and outright lies you would expect from
Haaretz. Distortions and all, the real message gets through. Haaretz
and the Left are hysterical! The tenured Left is being exposed! The
Israeli and overseas Jewish public are learning the truth! Can
anything be more frightening than that for the Radical anti-Israel
10 percent of Israeli academics labeled ‘anti-Zionist’ by campus watchdogs
Survey comes up with the names of more than 1,000 Israelis, 800 of
whom are academics but also including authors, journalists, public
intellectuals, and past and present cabinet ministers.