Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is demonstrating an appalling ignorance on the Iranian nuclear issue and the threat it poses to world security. In fact, several times during the recent GOP debates he blamed the animosity against the U.S. in the Middle East on America’s foreign policy. Paul recently argued on “Fox News Sunday” that […]
“Those who live today remember those who do not. Those who know freedom remember today those who gave up life for freedom.
Today, in honor of the dead, we conduct ceremonies. We lay wreaths. We speak words of tribute. And in our memories, in our hearts, we hold them close to us still. Yet we also know, even as their families knew when they last looked upon them, that they can never be fully ours again, that they belong now to God and to that for which they so selflessly made a final and eternal act of devotion.
We could not forget them. Even if they were not our own, we could not forget them. For all time, they are what we can only aspire to be: giving, unselfish, the epitome of human love — to lay down one’s life so that others might live.
We think on their lives. We think on their final moments. In our mind’s eye, we see young Americans in a European forest or on an Asian island or at sea or in aerial combat.
And as life expired, we know that those who could had last thoughts of us and of their love for us. As they thought of us then, so, too, we think of them now, with love, with devotion, and with faith: the certainty that what they died for was worthy of their sacrifice — faith, too, in God and in the Nation that has pledged itself to His work and to the dream of human freedom, and a nation, too, that today and always pledges itself to their eternal memory.
Thank you. God bless you.
– Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States (1981–1989), delivered at the Veterans Day National Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, November 11, 1988. Throughout the painful and paradoxical existence of Occupy Wall Street (OWS) we have been told by those in the mainstream media, as well as by sympathetic politicos, that at its root, at its genesis, the OWS Movement was both organic and legitimate. We were told that the movement was exclusively about a rebellion against […]
Michael Moore Salutes Our ‘Hispanic’ Veterans By Humberto Fontova
When Japan’s ferocious General Tomoyuki Yamashita (“The Tiger of Malaya”) finally emerged from his headquarters on Luzon to surrender on September 2nd 1945 he handed his pistol, samurai sword and battle flag to the nearest U.S. soldier he saw. This was staff sergeant Manuel Perez-Garcia of the 32nd Infantry Division. Perez-Garcia was born in Cuba but immigrated to the U.S. after Pearl Harbor to join the U.S. Army and volunteer for combat
At war’s end the 82nd Airborne presented a special trophy to the U.S. soldier who had racked up the most enemy kills in the Pacific theater. Today that trophy sits prominently in Miami’s Bay of Pigs Museum, donated by the man who won it, WWI and Bay of Pigs veteran Manuel Perez Garcia (who started with the 82nd but fought in the Pacific with the 32nd.) The trophy sits alongside Yamashita’s samurai sword and battle flag—and the three purple hears, three bronze stars and three silver stars Mr Perez-Garcia earned in the Pacific.
Islamists Take Over Egypt
Library of Alexandria to Be Burned Again; Food for Half-Price
The Royal Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the largest and most significant library of the ancient world, is now being targeted by radical Muslims who seek to replace it with a mosque.
Radical Islamic groups claim that the library’s art programs, which include music and ballet dancing, spread “depravity” in Egyptian society.
The Islamist campaign against the library is taking place under the looking eyes of Egypt’s military dictators, who are burying their heads in the sand and refusing to see the danger, noted columnist Mohammed al-Hamamsi.
“Is the Supreme Military Council waiting until the Islamists come to power and demand, through their parliament, that the library be demolished and that a mosque be built on its site?” al-Hamamsi asked rhetorically.
The destruction of the library will mark the beginning of Egypt’s fall into the hands of the Islamists, who seek to take the Arabs and Muslims back to dark ages.
“We may not be asked to scramble up over a trench and across a muddy field in Flanders, but it’s all too possible we may be called upon to demonstrate great heroism close to home, as the firemen of New York and the passengers of Flight 93 were. They are the Dead. They lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved and were loved. They did not deserve their premature deaths. But they join the untold legions who helped the Union win the Civil War, the Americans and the British Empire win the Great War, and the Allies the Second World War. And every single American alive today — including Katha Pollitt — enjoys the blessings of those victories.”
Ninety-two years ago, King George V proclaimed that “the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” would be observed throughout the British Empire as a commemoration of the cessation of hostilities in the Great War a year earlier. It still is, even unto the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of this eleventh year in a new century. Three years ago, just before Remembrance Day, I was in the Crown Colony of the Turks and Caicos Islands and saw the islanders’ preparation for the ceremonies in Cockburn Town. In parts of Europe, they retain the day’s original name: Armistice Day. And of course it is Veterans Day in the United States. On this November 11th we thank the now very small band of surviving brothers from the First World War, and their comrades from the conflicts since.
“The Guardian should not hold Israel up to impossibly high standards. It is no good publishing blatantly untrue headlines replete with historic anti-Semitic motifs (such as “Israel admits harvesting Palestinian organs”) even when the paper later changed the headline online, citing “a serious editing error.” (“Corrections and Clarifications,” The Guardian, December 22, 2009.)
Such headlines and reporting should never have appeared in the first place.”
The Guardian’s critics are hitting home in their charges of anti-Semitism at the paper. But acknowledging the problem is not the same as eradicating it.
The Guardian made an unusual admission this week. In a piece titled “On averting accusations of anti-Semitism,” the paper’s Readers’ Editor, Chris Elliott, acknowledged (or at least partly acknowledged) that The Guardian had a problem with anti-Semitism.
The paper likes to think of itself as a bastion of liberalism, fairness and anti-racism, and most Guardian staff would probably acknowledge that anti-Semitism is one of, if not the, most deadly forms of racism in history.
“Guardian reporters, writers and editors must be more vigilant about the language they use when writing about Jews or Israel,” wrote Elliott.
He added that Guardian writers should have avoided “references [this year] to Israel/US ‘global domination’ and the term ‘slavish’ to describe the US relationship with Israel; and, in an article on a lost tribe of Mallorcan Jews, what I regarded as a gratuitous reference to ‘the island’s wealthier families’.”
However, Elliot added, “I don’t believe their appearance in The Guardian was the result of deliberate acts of anti-Semitism: they were inadvertent.” Americans are familiar with the favors that Eric Holder’s Justice Department extended to Jerry Jackson and the New Black Panther Party. The voter intimidation case against Jackson and two other defendants was dismissed and the inside story is the subject of two chapters of my book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama […] Update on Canadian ‘Honor’ Killing Trial: Father Says Daughters were Liars Update on TexasTerrorism Trial: FBI Informant Takes the Stand Islamic Justice: Criminal Abducted from House and Hacked to Death Report: Israel Preparing ‘Christmas Surprise’ for Iran Islam, the Religion of Slavery, by Daniel Greenfield CAIR Fundraiser Aids Florida […]