The brand new—and deliberately unmarked– offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in the 20th arrondissement of Paris were destroyed by arson hours before a special issue, renamed Charia Hebdo, hit the newsstands on November 2nd. All 75,000 copies were sold out by noon (a rerun went on sale two days later, bringing total […]
Holder Plays Dumb, Dems Push Gun Control Posted By Bob Owens URL to article: Testifying before an intensely partisan Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder only deepened suspicions about the Department of Justice’s possible criminal involvement in a gunwalking operation known as Operation Fast and Furious. The scheme saw […]
In 1968, Eric Clapton played a Gibson Les Paul guitar on the White Album’s “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” by the Beatles. Other guitar greats like B.B. King, Slash, Alex Lifeson, Jimmy Page, Pete Townsend and Keith Richards have all used Gibson Guitars. You would think the Department of Justice has higher priorities than investigating a guitar company, but you’d be wrong.
By now, nearly everyone knows that the Department of Justice raided Gibson Guitars regarding the use of certain wood that may have violated the Lacey Import Act. At issue is Gibson’s import of unfinished, as opposed to finished, rosewood and ebony. FBI raids effectively shut down the business and idled workers. Gibson has since reopened, but the federal action raises issues of over-criminalization of business behavior.
Not surprisingly, the legislation to criminalize the use of ebony and rosewood in the Gibson guitars came from the usual suspects on the Left. But it also had support among American forestry business interests seeking to erect barriers to competition from overseas wood.
Can an American citizen born in Jerusalem list “Israel” as his nation of birth?
By the end of the oral argument [1] yesterday in Zivotofsky v. Clinton, it was not clear which way the Supreme Court would go. But it was clear that, in the course of considering the validity of the 2002 law giving Americans born in Jerusalem the right to have “Israel” on their passports as their place of birth, the Justices were grappling with some of the most basic questions involving judicial, congressional and presidential power under the Constitution.
Congress clearly has the power to legislate regarding passports, because it has repeatedly done so — including in 1994, when it passed a law giving Americans born in Taiwan the right to have “Taiwan” on their passports as their place of birth, notwithstanding official U.S. foreign policy as articulated by the Executive Branch — that there is only one China (the People’s Republic) and that Taiwan is not a separate country. President Clinton signed the law and implemented it, while making it clear it represented no change in the U.S. “One China” policy.
President Bush signed the 2002 law regarding Jerusalem, but refused to implement it on grounds it contradicted U.S. policy that sovereignty over Jerusalem is an issue to be decided in the future and the law “interfered with the president’s constitutional authority to conduct the nation’s foreign affairs” — a refusal continued by President Obama even though during the 2008 campaign he criticized Bush for his practice of signing but not implementing legislation.
What does Sarkozy mean by the term “liar”? Posted By David P. Goldman
One shudders to imagine what noxious vapors swirled through the skull of French President Nicholas Sarkozy as he told Barack Obama that Binyamin Netanyahu was a “liar.” No-one has told the truth more clearly than Netanyahu: as long as the Palestinians cannot bring themselves to pronounce the words “Jewish State,” there won’t be a peace agreement. Where, pray tell, is the lie? Were he less diplomatic, Netanyahu might have added that with Egypt plunging into chaos, and likely to repudiate its peace treaty with Israel, and Syria in civil war, and Iran and Turkey vying to support the overtly (as opposed to de facto) terrorist wing of the Palestinians, the problem of a peace agreement with the beleaguered and unpopular Palestine Authority is moot.
In fairness to Sarkozy, he used the word “liar” advisedly. What does it mean to be a “liar?” Tell the Emperor he has no clothes, and he will scream, “Liar!” Tell the Heaven’s Gate cult that space aliens are not coming to meet them up on the comet, and they will shout, “Liar!” Tell a schizophrenic that the CIA did not implant a radio transmitter in his brain, and he will shout, “Liar!” Tell a trusting wife that her husband is cheating on her, and she will shout, “Liar!” (Tell Hillary Clinton that Bill is not cheating on her, and she also will shout “Liar!”). And tell a European politician that the world has changed such that the European political class no longer has a reason to exist, and he will scream “Liar! Liar!” until his lungs collapse.
Occupiers in San Diego Show Gratitude for Free Food. Just Kidding—They Vandalize the Carts, Threaten Owners
The sense of entitlement is strong with San Diego’s occupiers. God bless ‘em.
The coffee and hot dog carts were located in Civic Center Plaza, the same location as the Occupy San Diego protesters.
That group first settled in to the plaza Oct. 7 and set up a tent city which has since twice been taken down by police.
Coffee cart owner Linda Jenson and hot dog cart operators Letty and Pete Soto said they initially provided free food and drink to demonstrators, but when they stopped, the protesters became violent.
And according to one city councilman, bodily fluids were used in the attacks.
“Both carts have had items stolen, have had their covers vandalized with markings and graffiti, as well as one of the carts had urine and blood splattered on it,” said Councilman Carl DeMaio.
The damages will likely require at least a complete cleaning if not a replacement of the cart covers, DeMaio said.
The lovely, peaceful and tolerant occupiers are also said to have hurled death threats at the food vendors. Elsewhere in the occupation, they had to set up a lice tent after an outbreak swept through the Oakland camp.
And in the original Wall Street occupation, life is so grand they have had to set up a rape shelter.
Update on MA Terrorism Trial: Jury Shown Attack Videos
Update Texas Terrorism Trial: Day 1
Update: State Inquiry into Anti-Muslim Gun Teacher Closed
Update: Firebombed French Magazine Taunts Muslims with Gay Mohammed Cover
IDF Tank Takes out Terrorist Cell
England: Leeds Teen Beaten by ‘Asian’ Gang
MN: Upcoming “Understanding the People of Somalia” Seminar Upsets CAIR, Local Muslims
The Plight of Iran’s Burgeoning Christian Population
Pentagon Prosecutors Propose Open Court Proceedings for Al-Qaeda Suspect
Gaza’s 8,000 Man Islamic Jihad Terrorists are Supported by Iran
Clinton Will Work with Arab Spring’s Islamist Parties
NY: Devout Muslim Father Drowns 3-Year-Old Son on Islamic Day of Sacrifice
Muslims Least Received Group in Montreal: Study
Ten Killed in Latest Roadside Bomb Attack in Afghanistan
How the Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates the GOP, by Jamie Glazov
Islamist Commander: Libyan Fighters Keeping Weapons
Syrian Troops Storm Homs, Kicking in Doors, Arresting Protestors
Police Torture Pregnant Christian into False Confession
Open Letter to Abe Foxman, National Director ADL
Dear Mr. Foxman;
I write to you with the utmost respect for you and the work of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). You work diligently to achieve your mission and this letter is to urge you to continue to do so, but to also to plead with you to redirect your focus to the most real and present danger confronting the Jewish people today.
As you yourself have said, Islamic anti-Semitism constitutes the largest threat faced today by world Jewry. Funded in the main by Saudi petro dollars, mosques and madrassas around the globe teach millions of Muslims that Jews are the ‘sons of monkeys and pigs’ and ‘the murderers of prophets and the enemies of Islam’. This poison has reached beyond Muslim lands, engulfed Europe where Jews and Jewish institutions have come under increasing physical assault and now is reaching America where radical Muslim leaders constantly preach to their people hatred of Jews. Muslims have targeted and murdered Jews in America and mounted many plots to attack Jewish institutions. Even you on a number of occasions have said that this development is extremely dangerous for our people.
Yet the ADL, the Jewish people’s largest and most important defense organization, has done little to educate Jews about this daunting problem. Nor has the ADL developed a strategy or even a campaign to adequately address it.
Indeed, in a recently completed study – at — , fewer than 8% of ADL press releases over the last 15 years address Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism and terrorism. And, as the problem continues to grow, ADL generates even fewer press releases on these issues. If this problem is one of our most pressing, why are the resources expended on it so small relative to other things that you do? Certainly the traditional sources of anti-Semitism in this country are worthy of your scrutiny, but the lack of emphasis on this present existential threat to world Jewry and its new found presence in America is telling.
Further, while FBI statistics show that hate crimes against Jews in America are eight times the number of crimes against Muslims, the ADL has sought to validate the Islamist claim of victimization – contrary to all objective data — that hatred of Muslims is a major problem in America, and spends Jewish resources to fight “Islamophobia” because, in your words, “You can’t fight the fight against anti-Semitism without fighting against bigotry.” And “You cannot ask people to stand with you unless you are ready to stand with them.” WHO KNOWS WHAT IS CONSIDERED HARASSMENT TODAY? IS IT DIRTY TALK OR ACTUAL GROPING? THE FACT IS THAT SEVERAL ACCUSATIONS WERE MADE AGAINST BILL CLINTON AND TED KENNEDY.. AND THOSE ACCUSATIONS WERE BLITHELY DISMISSED BY THE MEDIA WHICH IS CIRCLING CAIN LIKE SHARKS…..IT IS PITIFUL TO SEE…..RSK We know for certain only a couple […]
I asked Google for information about athletes who have fathered many children by different women and was bowled over when numerous pages of results appeared. To summarize the first few websites, here is a partial list of the top offenders: Calvin Murphy – 14 illegitimate children by 9 women; Travis Henry – 9 kids by 9 women; Antonio Cromartie – 9 kids by 8 women; Jason Caffey – 8 kids by 7 women; Shawn Kemp – 7 kids by 6 women; Derrick Thomas – 7 kids by 5 women. There are more than 70 other names with less dramatic numbers – fewer than 5 illegitimate children per athlete, but by any yardstick of measurement, these are staggering statistics for people who are heroes to a vast majority of American boys and men. Their reputation as deadbeat dads doesn’t hurt their careers or their fan base, yet the role models they project to youth are surely as dangerous as tobacco to the 70% of African-American women who are single mothers.
The most serious domestic question facing America today – the one that precedes and precipitates the dilemma of unemployment – is how to cope with the myriad problems resulting from children being raised without a biological father in the home. That is the single biggest predictor of poverty, failure to graduate from high school, drug and alcohol abuse, child-abuse, depression, teen pregnancy, gang membership, anti-social behavior and unemployability.