Revolution that eats its children nibbles at Hollywood’s Daryl Hannah, Alec Baldwin, Roseanne Barr
“One section leader proposed to cure economic distress by putting all rich people to death.”
— The French Revolution as described in The Age of Napoleon by Will and Ariel Durant
Why was the frequently outspoken actress Daryl Hannah suddenly so shy when talking to Sean Hannity?
Why was the always outspoken actress Roseanne Barr suddenly so angry with a celebrity financial website?
And why was the never shy Alec Baldwin twittering cagily in non-denial denial mode?
What could possibly make these three famous activist actors so respectively reticent, furious and coy?
The Occupy Wall Street Movement has received cheers from President Obama, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats, with the President’s union and media allies swarming to support the protest.