Genèvievism Gone Global Posted By David Solway URL to article: I once had a neighbor who went stark raving mad. I remember Genèvieve as an altogether delightful woman, lively, companionable, generous, and highly competent in all the small necessary tasks of daily life. For many years she was the ideal next-door person — until […]
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INTERVIEW: J. Christian Adams, author of “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department”: Ruth King
This Daily Caller story must be read to be believed:
Top Justice Department officials convened a meeting Wednesday where invited Islamic advocates lobbied them for cutbacks in anti-terror funding, changes in agents’ training manuals, additional curbs on investigators and a legal declaration that U.S. citizens’ criticism of Islam constitutes racial discrimination.
The department’s “civil rights lawyers are top of the line — I say this with utter honesty — I know they can come up with a way” to redefine criticism as discrimination, said Sahar Aziz, a female, Egyptian-American lawyer.
“I’d be willing to give a shot at it,” said Aziz, who is a fellow at the Michigan-based Muslim advocacy group, the Institute for Social Policy & Understanding.
We have entered a new phase of the endless Occupy Wall Street sleepover. Not working is hard work. After a month of tying up the police, generating mounds of trash, railing against Jews while holding up “Nazi Bankers” signs, grappling with pervs, rapists and thieves in their ranks, communing with avowed communists, and hobnobbing with 1 percenter celebrities donning 99 percenter costumes (phew!), the Occupiers are rallying around a new mascot: Robin Hood.
The crime-plagued Carnival of 1,001 Demands is now focused on one unified agenda item: a soak-the-rich tax on financial transactions worldwide. The corporate-bashing Canadian magazine “Adbusters” (funded by left-wing Wall Street trader Robert Halper) initiated the Occupy Wall Street siege last summer and published a new online manifesto this week explaining the call for an October 29 “Robin Hood march”:
“Across the globe the 99 percent are marching! … It’s now time to amp up the edgy theatrics … deviant pranks, subversive performances and playful detournements of all kinds.” There’s been no shortage of deviance, unfortunately, what with protesters defecating on police cars, urinating on each other’s tents, stealing food and phones, and exposing themselves to children. But I digress. As the movement “matures,” the leaders overseeing an unruly mob in Guido Fawkes masks exhorted the masses to “occupy the core of our global system.” The clearest answer comes from a statement reputedly made by President Harry Truman during his 1948 Presidential election campaign. One of his supporters yelled out to him, “Give ‘em Hell, Harry!” Truman responded, “I don’t give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s Hell.” That is precisely the […] Palestinian envoy is asked to leave Ottawa after controversial tweet CAMPBELL CLARK The Palestinian envoy to Canada has been told she’s not welcome in Ottawa after she tweeted a link to a video that the federal government deemed an offensive diatribe against Jews. Now, Linda Sobeh Ali, the chargé d’affaires of the Palestinian delegation […]
The New Softcore Version of Holocaust Denial Far more problematic than “hardcore” Holocaust deniers, relegated to the extremist neo-nazi fringes, this new perversion of the Holocaust is a kind of “softcore” denial – but it has lasting and spreading effect. In a time when there is an ever-growing river of books, essays, museums, symposia […]
They say one can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. If that adage is true, what does the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) endorsement of Occupy Wall Street — and the organization’s choice to conduct Friday “Jummah” prayers in Zuccotti Park — tell us about both CAIR, and, the Occupy protesters?
An official invitation issued by CAIR’s New York chapter tells members to show “solidarity” with “the 99%” by attending Friday prayers in Zuccotti Park at 1:00pm. CAIR’s stated goal in hosting the prayer service at OWS is to “expand the role of New York Muslims in the Occupy movement.”
A “sermon on social justice in Islam” is slated to be delivered my Imam Aiyub Abdul Baki — a supporter of the Ground Zero mosque.
Citizen Islam: The Future of Muslim Integration in the West by Zeyno Baran
IN THE DIVISIVE, decade-old War on Terror, one certitude unites the warriors and the conscientious objectors. It is that Islamism is not to be confused with Islam. “Whatever it’s called,” George W. Bush said, “this ideology is very different from the religion of Islam.” Attorney General Eric Holder described the Islamism of the late Anwar al-Awlaki as “a version of Islam that is not consistent with the teachings of it.” Zeyno Baran has come reluctantly to the conclusion that the Bush/Holder view is false. Her new book describes how Islamists have captured many Islamic religious and social institutions, including most of the Western ones. Islamism has supplanted more traditional tendencies and has become what most people, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, understand as mainstream Islam. Gullible American and European policymakers have partnered with the wrong Muslims, freezing out their friends and empowering those who wish them ill. Good old Joe, always good for a laugh. However, that’s not President Obama or the White House wise men holding their sides and rolling on the floor. Joe is endearing enough in the way of crazy uncles, but when the attic door is left unlatched someone has to be dispatched to find old Joe […] Words of truth amidst a world of lies The killers we released are not deviants of Palestinian society. Bassam Nasser’s op-ed in yesterday’s paper is a must read for every citizen of the world. Nothing could better illustrate the truth about the Palestinian society of Gaza. Nasser argues that it’s just not fair that […]