“You’re either one of the 99 percent of one of the 1 percent,” reads a sticker on a lamppost near my house. The implication being that if you’re not one of the 1 percent, you should be packing your class warfare kit of cardboard signs, camping gear and iPods loaded with a copy of […],1518,druck-790539,00.html
German General Says NATO Mission Has ‘Failed’
A top German general who was instrumental in planning the Bundeswehr’s mission in Afghanistan has said that the intervention has failed and the Taliban will regain power within months of withdrawal. Ten years after the invasion, he is far from alone with his critique.
It was 10 years ago that the United States, together with its NATO allies, marched into Afghanistan to put an end to Taliban rule and begin the hunt for al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden. A decade later, the terrorist leader is dead. But, says Harald Kujat, former general inspector of the German military, the mission has been a failure.
“The mission fulfilled the political aim of showing solidarity with the United States,” Kujat told the German daily Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. “But if you measure progress against the goal of stabilizing a country and a region, then the mission has failed.”
American Autumn The zombie youth “occupying” Wall Street are contemptuous of the world that sustains their comforts. Michael Oher, offensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens, was online on Wednesday night when his Twitter feed started filling up with tributes to Steve Jobs. A bewildered Oher tweeted: “Can somebody help me out? Who was Steve […]
The Antisemitism Lobby
When a self-described ‘self-hating’ Jew holds forth on what vexes him about ‘Jewish identity’, Professor Mearsheimer of ‘Israel Lobby’-fame thinks it should be recommended reading
Did you know that the Jews declared war on Germany well before the Nazis adopted anti-Jewish policies?I have to confess that despite my Ph.D. in contemporary history, I was completely ignorant of this “fact” – but that’s because this particular spin of the Jewish anti-Nazi boycott of late March 1933 is of course a favorite among people who think the Nazis were right about the Jews.
Just like how Joseph Goebbels, the notorious Nazi Minister of “Public Enlightenment and Propaganda,” felt that there was “intrinsic” truth to the antisemitic forgery known as “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” there are still people who see “prophetic qualities” in this forgery, which reads to them like an accurate description of “the political reality in which we live.”
Such views are not restricted to the far-right fringes and neo-Nazi groups, but are also held by supposedly leftist “anti-Zionists.”
Among the latter type is the Israeli-British jazz saxophonist Gilad Atzmon, who apparently has a lot of spare time that he devotes to expressing his disdain and hatred for all things Israeli and Jewish.
Gunwalker: Punch-Drunk Eric Holder Swings Back at Critics, Hits Self Posted By Bob Owens
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Friday was just another day in a continuing series of bad days for the administration of President Barack Obama, as the furor surrounding the executive branch’s gun-walking scandal continues to escalate.
The day began with a gritty montage-style video from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, asking the question few in the media are willing to ask about the gun-walking program: Holder vs. White House: Who Is Responsible? [1] Like a duffel bag stuffed with straw-purchased Draco pistols, the day quickly went “south” from there.
The White House attempt to implement a weak “Bush did it too” defense collapsed in spectacular fashion, in the worst possible way. The administration – specifically the Department of Justice — leaked a claim that a Bush-era operation called “Wide Receiver” also walked guns to Mexican cartels, just like Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious. The claim served as a “hook” to draw out news agencies that had up until now largely ignored the scandal out of partisan deference to the White House.
But the claim simply wasn’t true [2].Gunwalker: Punch-Drunk Eric Holder Swings Back at Critics, Hits Self Posted By Bob Owens
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Friday was just another day in a continuing series of bad days for the administration of President Barack Obama, as the furor surrounding the executive branch’s gun-walking scandal continues to escalate.
The day began with a gritty montage-style video from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, asking the question few in the media are willing to ask about the gun-walking program: Holder vs. White House: Who Is Responsible? [1] Like a duffel bag stuffed with straw-purchased Draco pistols, the day quickly went “south” from there.
The White House attempt to implement a weak “Bush did it too” defense collapsed in spectacular fashion, in the worst possible way. The administration – specifically the Department of Justice — leaked a claim that a Bush-era operation called “Wide Receiver” also walked guns to Mexican cartels, just like Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious. The claim served as a “hook” to draw out news agencies that had up until now largely ignored the scandal out of partisan deference to the White House.
But the claim simply wasn’t true [2].
In the face of mounting international pressure, Israel cannot afford to lose sight of what the conflict is really about.
“It is time to acknowledge the unpalatable fact that the enmity of Arabs towards the Jews and the Jewish state is:
– not about borders but about existence;
– not about what the Jewish people do but about what the Jewish people are;
– not about the Jewish state’s policies but about the Jewish state per se; and
– not about Jewish military “occupation” of Arab land but about Jewish political existence on any land.
Israel must internalize these truths and undertake a policy to convey them – with conviction and vigor — to the world. Otherwise it may well be “liberated.”
The Fall of the French Senate Posted By Michel Gurfinkiel URL to article: As a citizen of France, I have never considered running for office — except maybe for the Senate. My country’s upper house of parliament is located at the Luxembourg Palace, a 17th century building right in the middle of the Luxembourg […] The question is simple but profound: Will the 2012 presidential-election campaign be about big ideas? Ideas like whether the American people are still masters of their own destiny or instead have resigned themselves to a rule of lawyers advertising itself as “the rule of law”? To push these fundamentals to the fore is the […] Woman in Labor Survives PA Lynch AttemptPA terrorists attempted to lynch a Jewish couple as they rushed to the hospital on Yom Kippur with the wife in labor. Palestinian Authority terrorists continued their attacks on innocent Jewish motorists over Yom Kippur, this time attacking a woman in labor and her husband as they rushed […] If anyone still thinks the Palestinians seek a state that will live alongside Israel in peace, they should examine the map broadcast by the Palestinian Authority’s official TV station the day after PA President Mahmoud Abbas formally applied for statehood at the UN. The station, as Palestinian Media Watch notes, is directly controlled by Abbas’ […]