The noble American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), which has been supporting the defense efforts for Youcef Nadarkhani, has helped a Moroccan “apostate” to Christianity (a young man identified as “Z”) obtain asylum in the US. Raised in a “purely traditional, Islamic way,” Z “had a burning desire since adolescence to be […] The NYT this week carried yet another report on yet another US mission to “disrupt” yet another A-stan network with yet another first lieutenant sitting down with yet another tribal elder (only this one was named Mohammad –) while troops searched yet another village, where Afghan troops had yet again probably tipped off local […]
The President and the Panthers By Andrew C. McCarthy A couple of days ago, I pointed readers to Andrew Breitbart’s report about President Obama’s having appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party in Selma in 2007. The report, and my alerting readers to it, caused some shrieking in predictable quarters on […] Holder’s Dubious History The AG’s Fast & Furious amnesia is reminiscent of his Marc Rich amnesia. House Republicans are now calling for a special counsel to investigate whether Attorney General Eric Holder perjured himself in congressional testimony about the scandalous Fast & Furious program. Specifically, the attorney general claimed on May 3 that he […] Anwar al-Awlaki, a desperately evil man who was linked to the 9/11 attacks (he was “spiritual adviser” to a couple of the hijackers) as well as to the Fort Hood jihad murder, the Christmas underwear jihad bombing attempt on an airplane over Detroit, and the Times Square jihad mass murder attempt, has gone to […]
The stars are aligned for Mitt Romney. In every Republican debate, he has been left relatively untouched by the moderators and by every candidate save Gov. Rick Perry of Texas. He continues to ride high in the national polling, holding steady at near one quarter of the likely Republican primary voters. The Republican Party bigwigs, including key funders on Wall Street, are throwing their support to him.
There’s only one problem: He’ll lose the general election.
He’ll lose the general election for a very simple reason: Nobody in the conservative base is excited about him. While the so-called GOP opinion leaders wax on about how super-electable he is, they fail to recognize that it is precisely that logic that gave us the unelectable John McCain. Turnout wins elections these days, not appeals to the independent voter. Twenty years ago, hysteria swept through the media over “hunger in America.” Dan Rather opened a CBS Evening News broadcast in 1991 declaring, “one in eight American children is going hungry tonight.” Newsweek, the Associated Press and the Boston Globe repeated this statistic, and many others joined the media chorus, with or without that […]
The Self-Defeating Statehood Gambit Following the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas has attempted to convince the world and the international community that their quest for statehood is just. Moreover, he would like us to believe that this “state” is responsible and accountable and deserves to be part of the […],0,4027682.story
Other American killed with Awlaki was ‘Al Qaeda to the core’
Samir Khan, 25, also reported killed in the U.S. strike in Yemen, was a skilled propagandist who wrote virulently militant blog posts while a college student in Charlotte, N.C.
Reporting from New Bern, N.C.—
Before he was the Yemen-based editor of the English-language online magazine for Al Qaeda’s branch in the Arabian peninsula, Samir Khan was a radical young Muslim blogger in North Carolina.
Khan, 25, a skilled propagandist, wrote virulently pro-Al Qaeda blog posts while a student at a community college in Charlotte. As a teenager, he posted blogs championing violent jihad from his parents’ home on suburban Tradition View Drive in a modern Charlotte subdivision.
Egypt’s Arab Spring: Springtime for Nazis? Adolf Hitler died in 1945. Fascistic Nazism did not die with him. When Hitler rose to power in 1933 Germany, he found common ground with the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslims agreed with Hitler’s methods of ethnic cleansing and genocide, to rid the world of Jews. During WWII Amin Al […]