To the naked eye, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan seems to be moving from strength to strength. Erdogan was welcomed as a hero on his recent trip to Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. The Arabs embraced him as the new face of the war against Israel. The Obama administration celebrates Turkey as a paragon of […]
WOLF: GROVER NORQUIST’S RELATIONSHIPS SHOULD GIVE PEOPLE PAUSE For Immediate Release October 4, 2011 Washington, D.C. – In a speech today on the House floor, Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) expressed concern about Grover Norquist’s influence on the political process in Washington and his association with several individuals, groups and causes many would consider unsavory. Wolf […] INTERVIEW: J. Christian Adams, author of “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department” On Election Day in 2008, armed members of the New Black Panther Party, King Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson adopted a menacing and intimidating stance as they stood at the entrance to a polling center in Philadelphia shouting […] There are many things for which President Obama will be held accountable in the 2012 election. He initiated, approved of and presided over many decisions which have been and will be injurious to the economy of this country and it’s security. The citizenry of this nation have never felt so exposed and unsure. Because […]
MSM More Concerned with Perry’s Relationship with Rock than Obama’s Racially-Charged Past So tell me if I have this right: decades ago, on a hunting ranch Texas Governor Rick Perry’s family was leasing a very small portion of, Perry’s father pro-actively painted over a rock with an offensive word on it and according to […] The New York Times reported last week that the Islamic supremacist lawyer Lamis J. Deek, who is representing Ahmed Ferhani in his trial for a jihad plot to blow up a synagogue, also represented for a short time the undercover cop who helped put together the case against Fermani. Deek denies there was any […] HORSE CRAP! Liberal Media Claims “Occupy Wall Street” is a Left-Wing Tea Party The liberal media has constantly found ways to put down the tea party movement. First there were the sexual slurs we were ‘tea baggers.” Then we were racists, stupid and finally we were stubborn extremists whose only wish was to close […] ‘Arab Spring’ Part of Iranian Plot to Dominate By Reza Kahlili For the first time, an official entity of Iran’s Islamic government has detailed the horrific goal of the regime: destroy America and Israel as part of the Muslim “awakening” sweeping Africa and the Middle East. That “awakening,” which the West has labeled the […]
Who Really Is “Anti-Science”? Posted By Bruce Thornton URL to article: In any national election we can depend on the usual liberal ad hominem attacks on Republicans and their candidates. One chestnut already appearing is the charge that Republicans comprise the “anti-science party,” as even a Republican, presidential primary candidate Jon Huntsman, fretted […] The world is rapidly crumbling under the combined political, economic, and religious assaults. Politically, nations are at each other’s jugulars. Economically, there are more people than humanity can adequately feed, house, and care for. Our numbers keep on exploding, while resources of all sorts are depleting, the environment degrading, and other life forms are […]