The Defense Contractors of Islam Posted By Daniel Greenfield URL to article: One of the more peculiar twists in the caliphate’s tale is that a sizable amount of the funding for Islamic propaganda aimed at Americans comes from Muslim-owned defense contractors. Sabtech Industries recently made the news when it lost its security clearance after […]
The Lady Gaga Administration Posted By Ben Shapiro URL to article: On Sunday, President Obama, demonstrating once again his populist bona fides, held a fundraiser near San Francisco for his Hollywood friends. The price of admission: $38,500 per plate. (Couldn’t these folks have donated that money to pay down the debt in order […]
Another Tack: Optimism was compulsory
Israeli babies born this month 18 years ago are now old enough for the draft. Some are already in uniform while others soon will be. They were born under the Oslo sign. It seemed a great time to come into the world.
They took their first breaths as the Oslo accords were inaugurated with whoops of rapture. Niggling doubt was politically incorrect and accordingly drowned out with heaps of scorn and wrath in the name of goodwill and broad-minded tolerance. Optimism was compulsory Secretary of State Clinton, in a sharp departure from her stance when she was a senator, is warning that any American action, even symbolically, toward recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel must be avoided for the reason that it would jeopardize the peace process. Her warnings were issued in a brief she has […] Tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants in Britain are practicing bigamy or polygamy in order to collect bigger social welfare payments from the British state, according to experts interviewed in a British newspaper exposé on the subject. The September 24 report shows that the phenomenon of bigamy and polygamy — which is permitted by […]
URL to article: You know President Obama thinks he is in trouble with his liberal base when he lapses into what used to be called “jive talk” before an audience of Congressional Black Caucus members. Dropping his “g’s”, the president admonished the group to “stop complainin’.” “Who’s he talking about?” Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, asked puzzled, […] | Upon his return to Ramallah from New York, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was greeted by a crowd of several thousand well-wishers. They applauded him for his speech at the UN. There, Abbas erased Jewish history from the Land of Israel, denied Israel’s right to exist and pledged his commitment to establish a […],css.print/pub_detail.asp
America faces a growing missile threat from abroad — along with the prospect of huge defense cuts. Something’s wrong with this equation.
Speakers at the annual Space and Missile Defense Conference in Huntsville, Ala., outlined the extent of that threat and agreed that robust missile defenses are crucial. But with the tight fiscal environment and defense programs on the chopping block, this task will be difficult.
According to Gen. Patrick O’Reilly, director of the Missile Defense Agency, more than 32 countries possess ballistic missiles. He raised concerns about the proliferation of anti-ship missiles and an increase in ballistic-missile production facilities.
URL to article: THESE ARE THE WAGES OF THE UNFINISHED WAR IN KOREA THAT EISENHOWER ENDED WITHOUT VICTORY…..RSK Clearly detailed satellite photos released by the South Korean government reveal a rapidly growing network of six slave-labor camps, home to more than 200,000 North Koreans, one-third of whom are believed to be children. Located […]