Grover Norquist’s New Muslim Protégé Posted By Kenneth R. Timmerman URL to article: [Editor’s note: See David Horowitz calling out Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan here. See also Frank Gaffney exposing both Norquist and Khan’s troubling connections.] “To illustrate the danger of the first approach of evil habit, the Arabs have a proverb, ‘Beware […]
A Disaster in the MakingPosted By Ben Shapiro URL to article: For purposes of clarification, let us spell out the typical justifications for creation of a state. The justification for Israel, for example, was fourfold: Israel was the historic homeland of the Jews from which they had been expelled, but had never stopped […]
Women Can Vote in Saudi Arabia – So What? Posted By Robert Spencer King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has announced that women will have the right to vote in the next Saudi elections. Pardon me if I am underwhelmed. Women will be able to vote in Saudi Arabia, but presumably they will have […] VIDEO: NYPD Chief: Police Could Take Down Plane if Needed Sending message to terrorists about NYC: We are too tough a target
‘Every Single One’ Fallout: Justice Dept. in Turmoil From PJMedia Series What’s happened up until now, and what internal leaks say about what’s coming. Hint: jobs may now be at stake. (This is the twelfth of a series of articles about the Justice Department’s hiring practices since President Obama took office. Read parts one, […]
Why President Obama Is Really No Worse than el Presidente Chávez [1]This article [2] by James Petras, a former professor of sociology at Binghamton University who claims “a 50-year membership in the class struggle,” appeared on September 17 in the Dissident Voice — a remarkable publication [3] with which I had not previously been […] Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting (FGM/C) is increasing in Indonesia, with the issuance in June 2011 of official guidelines from the Ministry of Health for its infliction – even though the Indonesian authorities banned the practice in 2006. Indonesian media report that the new government regulations on FGM call for “scraping the skin” but […] When Arizona Senator John McCain went to Benghazi in April to call for stepped-up American support for the Libyan rebellion, he was filmed with rebel leaders at a location where the rebels had publicly decapitated a man only weeks before, as reported last week on the Daily Caller. Following Nicolas Sarkozy’s and David Cameron’s […] THROUGHOUT EURABIA THE WELCOME MAT EXTENDED TO IMMIGRANTS HAS BECOME A PRAYER RUG…RSK An immigrant group based in Bern has called for the emblematic white cross to be removed from the Swiss national flag because as a Christian symbol it “no longer corresponds to today’s multicultural Switzerland.” Ivica Petrusic, the vice president of […]
Sharia-Compliant Finance
While our eyes are on Obama’s mantra of “Pass the Bill!” or the campaigning of Republican hopefuls, one of the least talked about forms of Jihad is making great advancements into our U.S. financial system, Sharia-Compliant Finance. In short Sharia-compliant finance is “reverse money-laundering” for Islamic extremists or fund-raising for Jihad.
Deroy Murdock describes the basics of this financial scheme very well in an article on Human Events from April 4, 2008:
“Imagine that Wall Street banks and brokerages sold Nuremberg-compliant bonds and stock funds in 1938. American Nazi sympathizers bought financial instruments certified by Berlin-based advisors as free of “Jewish profits” from, say, Salomon Brothers and Bloomingdale’s.
In turn, a percentage of such funds’ gains underwrote pro-Nazi charities, like the German-American Bund, and similar organizations in the Fatherland, like the Hitler Youth.”