Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote He doesn’t have a ‘messaging’ problem. He has a record of bad policies and anti-Israel rhetoric. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904353504576568710341742174.html New York’s special congressional election on Tuesday was the first electoral outcome directly affected by President Obama’s Israel policy. Democrats were forced to expend enormous resources to try to defend this […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.10365/pub_detail.asp September 13, 2011 Interview: Chet Nagle, Author of “The Woolsorters’ Plague” Ruth King Chet Nagle, author of this brilliant, informative and alarming thriller is a Naval Academy graduate, a Cold War carrier pilot who flew in the Cuban Missile Crisis and who later joined International Security Affairs as a Pentagon civilian – leading […]
Child Abuse as Public Policy in the Palestinian Authority Posted By David Meir-Levi http://frontpagemag.com/2011/09/13/child-abuse-as-public-policy-in-the-palestinian-authority/print/ From Aristotle to Gandhi to Jimmy Carter, world leaders have asserted that one must judge a nation by the way it treats its most vulnerable. How then should one judge a society whose leaders condemn the most vulnerable, its own children, […]
A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred Posted By Jamie Glazov URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/09/13/a-century-of-palestinian-rejectionism-and-jew-hatred/ Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Sol Stern, a contributing editor of City Journal, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, and the author of the new book, A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred. FP: Sol Stern, […]
http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/1904/Uncle-Sucker-Blesses-Talibans-Islamic-Emirate-of-Afghanistan-HQ-in-Qatar.aspx Uncle Sucker Blesses Taliban’s “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” HQ in Qatar Coming soon to Doha, Qatar: the political offices of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — Taliban HQ. — On September 10, the Islamic jihadists of Afghanistan, commonly known as the Taliban, massively struck at a US military outpost with a truck bomb that […]
Obama vs. Reagan In historical match-up, Reaganomics trounces Obamanomics, 280,000 to 0. President Zero. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/276826 The brand-new nickname for Barack ObamAA+ symbolizes America’s total net jobs created in August: Zippo. So, how many jobs emerged in August 1983, the analogous point in Ronald Reagan’s presidency? 280,000. Proportional to today’s population, that equals 367,360 new hires […]
A pathetic discussion on national security By Marc A. Thiessen http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/post/a-pathetic-discussion-on-national-security/2011/09/13/gIQAFUtHPK_blog.html It is simply amazing that on the day after the 10th anniversary of 9/11, last night’s two-hour GOP debate devoted roughly nine minutes to national security. (And most of those nine minutes were wasted on a discussion of Ron Paul’s insane notions that we […]
http://www.melaniephillips.com/lemmingland-ten-years-on The tenth anniversary of 9/11 has been marked by a fresh outbreak in Britain of the political equivalent of auto-immune disease: treating the mortal enemies of the west as the victims of the west, while treating the west’s defenders as its mortal enemies. One thing al Qaeda got right about Britain and Europe […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/sep/12/armed-services-buck-mckeon-criticizes-obama/ The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, in a harsh attack on the Obama administration Monday, accused the president of viewing American military power as a negative force in the world, and planning to “gut” defense spending through the congressional deficit-reduction committee. “It is my suspicion that the White House and congressional Democrats” […]
http://www.carolineglick.com/e/2011/09/lessons-from-the-embassy-takeo.php We are able to consider the lessons of the weekend’s mob assault on the Israeli embassy in Cairo because the six Israeli security officers who were on the brink of being slaughtered were rescued at the last moment and spirited out of the country. If the Egyptian commandos hadn’t arrived on the scene at […]