Castro vs. the Ladies in White Rocks, iron bars and sticks are no match for the gladiolas and courage of these peaceful Cuban protesters. Rocks and iron bars were the weapons of choice in a government assault on a handful of unarmed women on the outskirts of Santiago de Cuba on the afternoon of […] Vice President Joe Biden, Commissar of the Cracked Head Club, visited China and voiced his understanding of China’s One Child Policy. The part that he understood was the forced abortions and the eugenics of baby girls. The part that he didn’t understand was how the Chinese government expects one breadwinner to support four retirees. […] ANOTHER OF THOSE “NO ISLAM” COLUMNS….THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND ARAB HATRED OF ISRAEL IS JIHAD….ISRAEL IS THE INFIDEL….AND TO OMIT THIS FACT FROM ANY PREDICTION OR ANALYSIS IS SIMPLY USELESS….READ “THE LEGACY OF ISLAMIC ANTI-SEMITISM”…IT IS ALL THERE…..RSK CAIRO – “Give us weapons and we’ll kill all the Jews.” So chanted several hundred people […]
Where Next for Obama? Posted By David Solway URL to article: I was just leafing through a Spider-Man comic book, an ethnographic foray into lowpop and an instructive transit into the more colorful regions of the cultural code. Two pages in, New York City is trembling on the verge of chaos owing to the […] Ground Zero Mosque Imam Rauf: Greater integration between Islam and the West depends on incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of Europe and the U.S. More smooth deceptions, and some surprisingly revealing pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist statements, from the Islamic supremacist imam behind the Ground Zero Mosque. “Ground Zero imam gives Scotland his […] Muslim students in Britain are protesting government reforms to higher education that would raise tuition and increase interest rates on student loans. Muslims say the changes are discriminatory because Islamic Sharia law prohibits them from paying interest on student loans. They are now demanding that the British government put in place a scheme that […] SEE THESE SPEAKERS AND READ THEIR AGENDA…THE STRUTTING LITTLE MINARET WHO BOUGHT HIS THIRD TERM IS REALLY A NASTY PIECE OF WORK…..RSK Bloomberg Quietly Opens Offices of Anti-Israel Landrum Bolling’s Mercy Corps at Ground Zero Why would Mike Bloomberg, Andrew Cuomo, Julie Menin et al open a Mercy Corps Action Center at Ground Zero? […] Israel’s battle against Palestinian terrorism and conventional military threats must not be inhibited by its ties with the USA and Egypt. In 1982, Prime Minister Begin launched a comprehensive war on PLO terrorist headquarters in Lebanon. In 1981, he ordered the bombing of Iraq’s nuclear reactor. Both operations were executed irrespective of bullying US […] Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the man who twice upheld death sentences in the Bulgarian nurses show trial and is poised to lead post-Qaddafi Libya. But don’t worry: The State Department says he’s a refomer. —While making a correction in my column regarding Libyan “rebel” front man Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the former Qaddafi justice minister who now […]
Page Printed from: As the summer of 2011 draws to a close, an uninterrupted chain of violent events buffets the public’s mind. Havoc in Great Britain pushed aside mayhem in Norway. The murder of eight Israelis in a cross-border attack from Egypt was briefly noted — then all eyes turned to Tripoli. Southern Israel […]