History, Hardliners, and Humility Western culture has changed, and Islamic culture can, too. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/275105 Liberty must always be exercised, and may only be maintained, “in a way of subjection to authority.” This sounds like it could have been written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the trailblazer of the modern Left, whose “social compact” decreed that any dissenter […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ PLEASE READ PERRY’S WORDS THAT GREENFIELD FINDS SO ANNOYING…I DEFY ANYONE TO REALLY SEE ANYTHING WRONG IN PERRY’S POLITICAL SPEECH…..THIS IS PURE NITPICKING…. DON’T LIKE HIM? DON’T VOTE FOR HIM…RSK “But I do not believe it is realistic to deport 12 million people already here illegally. We have to understand why millions of people […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ GREENFIELD HAS A SECTION ON PERRY…POSTED SEPARATELY…..RSK The left has run out of all other options– so now they’re banking on an alien invasion. First Paul Krugman suggested that if we faked an alien invasion, the government would have the go ahead to spend the crazy amounts of money he wanted it to spend […]
http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Perry-urges-punishment-for-Americans-protesting-2081813.php Presidentially, Perry urges U.S. to halt Gaza flotilla Urging punishment for American participants, potential 2012 hopeful weighs in on support for Israel AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry, highlighting his affinity for Israeli causes as he contemplates a presidential run, has urged U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to aggressively work against a planned pro-Palestinian flotilla […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/rick-perry-is-not-the-5th-column-candidate/ For the modern left, the concept of political warfare abroad engenders a kind of squeamishness, if not revulsion; using propaganda to shape the public’s perceptions recalls outrage at the CIA’s information operations during the early years of the Cold War. While feigning shame for the history of robust promotion of America by the clandestine […]
Article printed from Jihad Watch: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2011/08/why-shouldnt-rick-perrys-islamic-ties-be-vetted.html YES OF COURSE HE SHOULD BE VETTED…WHO COULD ARGUE? HOWEVER, TO CALL HIM A “STEALTH JIHAD CANDIDATE” WHO SHOULD NEVER BE PRESIDENT, OR A “FIFTH COLUMN “PRESIDENT IS NOT VETTING. RSK The rush to anoint him our next President is overlooking a great deal. Imagine a candidate for President of […]
http://www.forbes.com/sites/richardminiter/2011/08/18/the-exciting-notion-of-arab-spring-is-a-jedi-mind-trick/ “Arab Spring,” as it has been portrayed by the Western media, is an illusion. Virtually every element of the media narrative — it is a spontaneous revolt, that it is Internet-driven, that it seeks democracy or income equality — is wrong or misleading. After extensive interviews across the region and two visits to North […]
http://www.claremont.org/publications/crb/id.1852/article_detail.asp Books discussed in this essay: The Obamas: The Untold Story of an African Family, by Peter Firstbrook A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother, by Janny Scott Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, by Barack Obama The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, by […]
This article was first published in The Jewish Advocate on August 18, 2011 Home It’s August, and on the Cape, there’s sun, sand and surf. Before downshifting to the worka day month of September, one wants mentally to coast, letting thoughts flow, unconnected – though shrinks swear that all our thoughts are somehow linked. I’ve […]
Day Two of the New War in Israel http://www.judithlevy.com/?p=70 Here’s a quick update, some more detail about the events of yesterday, and an insta-analysis. New violence since yesterday’s carnage: Palestinians in Gaza shot ten Grad and Qassam rockets into Israel this morning, aiming at Ashkelon, Beersheva, Ashdod, and Kiryat Gat. One hit a building in an […]