Another Tack: Red flags in Tel Aviv (II) –Mapai memories So sweet is the enticement of deluxe revolution, requiring no risk or real effort, just lots of self-applied ego massages, outdoor happenings, free entertainment and nonstop media hype.We can all feel like heroes by just coming out to hear mediocre renditions by opportunistic crooners who […] WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE WHAT HAS CHANGED IN EUROPE? NOT ENOUGH I f you don’t know any better, Tykotzin actually looks like a decent place to live. A small town in northeast Poland, it’s just a nicelooking Polish village. Modest but wellmaintained homes, clean streets and a well-coiffed central square with […]
Palestinians’ ultimate goal is to make Israel disappear The Palestinians’ ultimate goal is not the establishment of a state in the 1967 borders; if it were, they would not have washed away Ehud Barak’s Camp David offer and Yossi Beilin’s subsequent ‘amendments’ at Taba. We are warned that masses of Palestinians are likely to […] THIS IS THE GREATEST EXAMPLE OF THE FALLACY AND FUTILITY OF THE US POLICY OF “NATION BUILDING” AMONG ARABS….IT ONLY PAVES THE WAY FOR FANATIC ISLAM. IF THEY REALLY YEARN TO BREATHE FREE LET THEM ACCEPT ISRAELI SOVEREIGNTY…..THEY WILL; NEVER HAVE IT BETTER….RSK Not surprisingly, some Palestinians resort to the Israeli media to […]
The History of the Words “Palestine” and “Palestinians” Joseph E. Katz PALARAB IS A VERY SUITABLE WORD TO COPE WITH WHAT IS IDENTITY THEFT BY THE ARABS….RSK Is Jordan Palestine? Here are two Jordanian State Stamps. On the left, one from 1949 with a picture of King Abdullah of the kingdom of Jordan and […] Fundamentally Freund: End US aid to the PA Why on earth should Washington continue to fund Abbas and company when they do not hesitate to frustrate the aims of American foreign policy? Next month, the Palestinian Authority is planning to stir up a hornets’ nest. Ignoring admonitions from Washington and Jerusalem, PA President Mahmoud […] Op-Ed: If Israel Fails to Extend Sovereignty to Yesha… If Israel fails to extend sovereignty to Judea and Samaria, the Jewish authority will do so until the government wakes up. The initiative led by groups on Israel’s political Right to promote the application of the sovereignty of the State of Israel to Judea and […],css.print/pub_detail.asp The terror and death inflicted on humanity is not the work of radical Islam, neither the political Islam, nor the militant Islam. It is Islam, period. Get it? And the perpetrators are not fringe elements confined to brainwashed Saudis, loony Taliban, or some know–nothing Pakistanis who have hijacked Islam and are now in the […] Dear Mr. Foxman, For centuries Vilna occupied a special place in the hearts and minds of Europe’s Jewish communities. People celebrated the city as a study center, replete with libraries, schools, poets, playwrights, rich Jewish culture — and especially, learned rabbis and Jewish legal intellects. From Rabbi Samuel of Babylonia to Rabbi Gershom of Germany, […]
1. VIDEO: NJ Governor Chris Christie : The Teacher’s Union is a “Political Thuggery Operation” [It rules through fear and intimidation] 2. SHOCKING VIDEO: Nation of Islam Leader Farrakhan Says Fort Hood Shooter Is Not a Terrorist Just a Good Muslim Who Was Driven Crazy By The Terrorist American Soldiers Who Rape Muslim Men, Woman […]