Finally, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has officially entered the Republican presidential primary. Political handicappers have long noted the strengths he would bring to a match-up against President Obama. In particular, the Texas economy has been one of the country’s few bright lights. Over the past decade, Texas has created half of the nation’s jobs, […] Administration uses military to expand subsidies for pricey green schemes ‘With Mr. Obama as commander in chief, there’s no telling what comes next. He’s already ordered green fuel and green bullets. Perhaps the next move is to ensure our bombs are environmentally friendly so he can claim to be saving the planet, one explosion […] Together We Can Beat the Deficit We did it in the 1990s and we can do it again today. By MAX BAUCUS AND JOHN KERRY AND PATTY MURRAYOur country has long been a beacon of light in the world because the American people always come together when times are tough. Over the past few […] Mob Violence and the ‘Looting Bankers’ Defense In Philadelphia and London, excuses for criminality are the same. Former Los Angeles and New York police chief William Bratton has been busy the last few days preparing for a new role overseas. The mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter, has been busy as well, walking the streets […]
Source URL: A shameful call to deny Jews a fundamental right By Daniel Johnson In a signed article last week, the Guardian’s foreign leader writer, David Hearst, looked forward to “a one-state solution in which Jewish citizens lose an in-built majority”. While insisting that such a unitary Palestinian state would be a secular and […] It is a rare occurrence when a top government official comes out – on the record – to attack a human rights group. But that is what happened last week when Canada’s Immigration Minister ripped into Amnesty International after it criticized Canada’s plan to crack down on alleged war criminals hiding out in […] THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL OF TAIWAN OCCURRED WHEN NIXON/KISSINGER AGREED TO THE “ONE CHINA” DEMANDS OF MAINLAND COMMUNIST CHINA WHICH INCLUDED HONG KONG AND TAIWAN. TAIWAN IS A DEMOCRACY, A CAPITALIST SELF SUSTAINING NATION. JIMMY CARTER REMOVED THE US EMBASSY FROM TAIPEI TO PEKING, AND ULTIMATELY TAIWAN WAS REJECTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS…..NIXON, FORD, CARTER, […] The former Air Force captain piloted C-130 missions in Central America, South America and North Africa and all over Europe. He’s a fierce devotee of American exceptionalism and greatness. My hunch is that just like Ronald Reagan, Perry views a collapsing-dollar threat as more evidence of American decline. And he is very much opposed […] Rick Perry’s entry into the Republican nomination process has transformed the 2012 election into a truly memorable contest. Before his entry, conservatives were stuck with a choice between a hard-nosed newcomer with just two House elections under her belt and a penchant for occasional gaffes, and a smooth-talking corporate type who fathered ObamaCare and […] Editor’s note: This article is Part II in a series. Click here to read Part I. Although much of the media have their antennae out to pick up anything that might be construed as racism against blacks, they resolutely ignore even the most blatant racism by blacks against others. That includes a pattern of […]