U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority has become an increasingly controversial matter in the wake of the group’s decision to bypass peace negotiations and go to the United Nations for recognition of an independent state. But the outlay of funds to the Palestinians may become even more toxic after the release of a report […] Haaretz is a small-circulation Israeli daily with huge influence about the Jewish state’s image across the world. Within Israel, it’s the most leftist of all mass media, denouncing any and all politicians who are not ready to cede as much land as possible to the Palestinians. Not only does Haaretz instill its anti-Zionist propaganda […] Finding work may not be quite that simple, but it sure seems that way. While the nation’s job growth has limped along since the economic recovery began two years ago, the Lone Star State is enlarging payrolls in Texas-size fashion. From June 2009 to June 2011 the state added 262,000 jobs, or half the […] Obama’s faith adviser helped craft ‘perfect Islamic state,’ project sought to ‘implement’ Muslim caliphate By Aaron Klein JERUSALEM – Dalia Mogahed, appointed to President Obama’s faith advisory council, was a partner in an Islamic project whose stated goal was to “define, interpret and implement the concept of the Islamic State in modern times.” The […]
Click here: Majority In Poll Wouldn’t Want To Be 20 Again – Maggie’s Farm I WOULD NOT… I WOULD JUST LIKE TO LOOK THAT WAY…..RSK Majority In Poll Wouldn’t Want To Be 20 Again An overwhelming majority of those polled would not want to be 20 again. The question: “Knowing no more than you […]
Speaking of Shared Sacrifice . . . Posted By Roger Kimball URL to article: One salutary thing to come out of the debate about raising the debt ceiling is that the president’s inner redistributionist has peeked through his usually disconnected persona. During the 2008 campaign, Obama famously, or infamously, told Joe the Plumber that […] Today’s Questions for the President July 26, 2011 10:16 A.M. By Peter Kirsanow In your address on the debt ceiling last night, you stressed the need for a “balanced approach” to the issue, i.e., one that includes both tax increases and spending cuts. You provided some specifics as to the tax increases: raising taxes […] Debunking 6 Myths About Anders Breivik “Breivik is as much a political terrorist as Manson, and can no more be considered part of any larger cause, beyond the malformed chemicals in his own brain.” 1. Anders Behring Breivik was a Fundamentalist Christian Breivik described himself as not a religious person and mentions praying […]
New Saudi Fatwa Defends Pedophilia as “Marriage” Posted By Raymond Ibrahim URL to article: Muslim “child-marriage” — euphemism for pedophilia — is making headlines again, at least in Arabic media: Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, just issued a fatwa asserting that there is […]
Corporatism Kills Posted By Ben Shapiro URL to article: The right consistently defends corporations because corporations provide jobs, boost the economy, and produce products we like at prices we will pay; the left consistently attacks corporations because they don’t “pay their fair share,” they kill small businesses, and they spend too much money on […]