,css.print/pub_detail.asp Europe Shall Bleed Once Again Amil Imani Me and my brother against my cousin; me, my brother, and my cousin against the other. This is an old Muslim saying and Muslims live by this motto. To be sure the people of the “religion of peace” find the world full of “other,” to oppress and […]
The Quislings of Norway Posted By Joseph Klein URL to article: “We no longer recognize the State of Israel. We could not recognize the apartheid regime of South Africa, nor did we recognize the Afghani Taliban regime. Then there were many who did not recognize Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or the Serbs’ ethnic cleansing. We […]
Glenn Beck Stirs Crowd at Christians United For Israel Posted By Fern Sidman URL to article: Receiving rousing ovations and thunderous applause, former Fox News television personality Glenn Beck told an audience of over 5,000 gathered at the Christians United for Israel (CUFI) national summit in Washington that if the pernicious trends in global anti-Semitism culminate […]
Rome Stands With Israel Posted By Phyllis Chesler URL to article: Israel continues to endure the fallout from the Mavi Marmara debacle; Israel gets blamed for defending herself even though Turkish hired assassins had come with the express purpose of assaulting and murdering Israeli soldiers. In the teeth of this cruel public relations disaster, […]
Jane Fonda: “I Have Never Done Anything to Hurt My Country”Posted By Mark Tapson URL to article: Last Saturday, actress-turned-fitness guru Jane Fonda was to appear on the shopping TV network QVC to peddle her new lifestyle book Prime Time, until the channel suddenly canceled her appearance. In response, Fonda wrote an angry […]
The Desperation of Media Matters Posted By Benjamin Shapiro URL to article: According to its website, Media Matters for America, the George Soros-funded left wing hit squad, is a “progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.” The very premise is somewhat laughable – […] LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The prosecutor walked silently in front of the jury, holding a portrait of a soldier killed outside an Arkansas recruiting center in 2009. Then he spoke: “William Andrew Long.” Carrying a photo of another soldier, prosecutor Larry Jegley did the same. “A son, a brother, a friend,” Mr. Jegley […]
Will Perry Carry the Day? The Texas governor’s agricultural past could help or hurt him. In the Russell Senate Office Building Caucus Room, Fred McClure was watching the crowd. It was March 1978, and the American Agriculture Movement — a pressure group for government support of farm prices — was meeting with Texan congressmen. […]
Government by Platitude Some Republicans are getting desperate over the debt-ceiling debate, but we hope not desperate enough to embrace the Gang of Six proposal. It may be the worst of the debt-ceiling compromises placed before them to date. The authors allege that their plan will eliminate some $3.7 trillion from the projected federal […]
Gunwalker: Testimony Reveals Eric Holder’s Obfuscation Tactics Posted By Patrick Richardson Attorney General Eric Holder continues to duck responsibility for Operation Fast and Furious, which allowed more than 2,500 weapons, including thousands of AK-47 variants and .50 caliber sniper rifles, across the Mexican border and into the hands of the cartels. The weapons […]