Sharia in Toronto: the Muslim Girls on Their Period Have to Sit in the Back Posted By Bruce Bawer URL to article: It never ceases to amaze. Sharia is putting down roots all over the West, in ever more explicit and obvious ways. And bien pensant folks on the Left continue to insist, fiercely […]
Gunwalker: Family of Slain Federal Agent Demands Answers Posted By Bob Owens U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents Jaime Zapata and Victor Avila were ambushed by eight cartel members in Mexico in February. Avila survived, Zapata did not. One of the guns used in the murder was a Romanian-made semi-automatic AK-pattern pistol called […] Many think of novels as being purely fictitious. Portrait of a Spy, Daniel Silva’s latest, is a superb story. His goal is to write an entertaining book, yet one based on reality. This is an exciting, action-packed thriller that takes the reader on a journey through such locales as England, Paris, Washington DC, Saudi […]
The Threat to Israeli Liberties from the Israeli Supreme CourtBy Steven Plaut Page Printed from: Robert Bork, the eminent American law professor from Yale University, once described the Israeli Supreme Court as the worst in the Western world. Israel, Bork wrote, “has set a standard for judicial imperialism that can probably never be surpassed, […] Siphoning oil from strategic reserve fails to cut prices The results are in from President Obama’s controversial decision last month to tap into the nation’s oil reserves to drive down gas prices: none. Like his futile efforts to revive the moribund U.S. economy by spending $1 trillion in borrowed money, the president’s release of […] In the 1880’s, the Ukrainian Jew Solomon Rabinowitz began his literary career under an assumed name—assumed because he was writing in Yiddish, rather than a respectable language such as Hebrew or Russian. The pseudonym he chose was Sholem Aleichem, which is simply the everyday greeting “How do you do?” His stories were immediately popular, […] Reading A Death Sentence For Apostasy in Iran Two Iranian Supreme Court justices have denied [2] an appeal of Youcef Nadarkhani’s December 5, 2010 death sentence for the uniquely Islamic “crime” of apostasy. Islam stands alone [3] amongst all modern faiths, adamantly denying its votaries freedom of conscience, as guaranteed, for example, by Article […] Minnesota man pleads guilty to aiding Somali militants MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – A Minneapolis man pleaded guilty on Monday to providing material support to a militant group that recruited young men of Somali descent to fight in Somalia, at least two of whom blew themselves up in attacks. Omer Abdi Mohamed, 26, faces up to […] Today’s champions of free speech are yesterday’s censors. Eugene Kontorovich is a professor of law at Northwestern University, where he teaches constitutional law, and has lectured at Israeli universities. Israel’s parliament passed a law this week prohibiting economic boycotts against this nation. Since before the creation of the Jewish state, boycotts have been a […] That frequent commentator on Middle East politics, David Singer, a Sydney lawyer and founder member of the International Analysts Network, has written another of his perspicacious articles. Coming as usual via the antipodean J-Wire service, it’s entitled “Palestine: Quartet Misses The Beat”. Writes David Singer: ‘The utter futility inherent in pursuing the two-state solution […]