UNDAUNTED BY FAILURE WITH IRAN, SYRIA, LIBYA, EGYPT, NORTH KOREA, RUSSIA AND CHINA….RSK ATHENS (Reuters) – Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hopes to cement gains in ties with emerging global power India when she flies to New Delhi on Monday ties while heading off new frictions with fragile U.S. ally Pakistan. Clinton’s two-day trip […] WILL IT WORK?….THE NOTION OF TERRITORIAL APPEASEMENT BY ISRAEL HAS TO BE REJECTED FULL FORCE, OTHERWISE, IN SPITE OF GREAT INTENTIONS….THE MOVEMENT WILL FOUNDER…..I WISH THEM LUCK…..RSK It came as no surprise when Vivian Wineman admitted the Board of Deputies exerts ‘no influence’ over government policy. It has also come as no surprise that […] Putting Some Grit Into Pro-Israel Advocacy In Britain: The British Israel Coalition Sam Westrop is a young pro-Israel activist who featured on a video I posted some time ago is the convenor of a new group, the British Israel Coalition, which, in his words, “is an umbrella organization for groups and individuals who […] He was a youthful leader with a law degree elected on the promise of reforms that would revitalize a world power trapped in the economic doldrums by its bureaucracy and huge debt. His approach of international engagement attempted to break through his country’s global isolation by forging new ties and treaties with old enemies. […] Golda Meir famously quipped that Moses led the Jews to the one place in the Middle East without oil. It’s ironic then that Israel Energy Initiatives’ office is located at 1 Golda Meir Boulevard in Jerusalem. Last month the energy company pulled its first shale sample from the Zoharim drilling site southwest of Beit […]
Page Printed from: BENNY MORRIS WAS AMONG THE FIRST AND MOST VICIOUS OF HOME GROWN ISRAEL BASHERS TO THE DELIGHT OF ISRAEL’S ENEMIES….THIS IS A VEILED ACCUSATION OF ETHNIC CLEANSING WHICH HE REITERATES….“I wrote, in Righteous Victims (1999), that Zionism was a “colonizing and expansionist ideology and movement … intent on politically, and even […] Bodyguard who killed Karzai’s brother was trusted CIA contact before being recruited by Taliban He “been working closely with US Special Forces and the CIA before he was recruited by the Taliban.” How is it that the Taliban were able to recruit him? When he went to work for the CIA, didn’t they determine […] Israel: Since the Egyptian revolution, “the IDF believes Hamas has smuggled in three times the amount of explosives it brought into Gaza in all of 2010” Gaza’s jihadists are only using the ceasefire as Islamic law intends it: to regroup and re-arm for the next round. “IDF doesn’t view rocket attacks as real escalation,” […] Post-Surge Iraq: 2010 “Worst Year” for Small Christian Minority Posted By Andrew Bostom On July 17, 2011 David “What have you done to win Iraqi hearts and minds today [2]?” Petraeus’s Legacy of Post-Surge “Success” General David Petraeus continues to receive plaudits for the “successful surge” in Iraq—based upon his credo [3], “What have […] RTT News reports: A NATO soldier, shot dead while on patrol in southern Afghanistan on Saturday, has been identified as British. “An individual wearing an Afghan National Army uniform turned his weapon against International Security Assistance Force service members in southern Afghanistan today, killing one service member,” an International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) press release […]