Are We Going to Do Anything to Those Who Kill Americans? Posted By Michael Ledeen Article printed from Faster, Please!: At first, I thought all the statements — about Iranian support for terrorists (in both Iraq and Afghanistan) who kill Americans — were parting messages from government officials on their way out, and […]
Aiding and Abetting the Enemy By Lauri B. Regan This past week, the Obama administration informed Congress that it had approved the sale of 125 M1A1 Abrams Tanks to the government of Egypt. The question of just who is running the government of Egypt was apparently insignificant to the decision-makers. And this goes to […]
The New Flare-Up between Israel and Lebanon Over Gas :(COL.Ret.)Jaques Neriah The potential oil and gas fields off the Lebanese and Israeli coasts look set not only to become a long-term source of heavenly bounty – but also a source of conflict in the years ahead. Behind the tensions over the potential gas discoveries […] The recently exposed ATF led Operation “Fast and Furious” has not saturated the media as it should. Budget dilemmas, economy, Casey Anthony, and other topics such as the withdrawal of surge troops in Afghanistan have played as distractionary news topics. These topics have shielded the United States government from possible violations of U.S. and […]
Man, Oh, Manischewitz By Jonathan D. Sarna “Holy Matzo!” a recent Forward headline read. The accompanying article announced the baking of the “world’s largest matzo” — 82 square feet — to mark the opening of the new Manischewitz matzo factory in Newark, N.J. The matzo proved ephemeral; it was soon broken up and distributed. […] Research carried out by a team at Natal, a trauma center for victims of terror and war, under the supervision of Professor Marc Gelkopf, shows one-third of the population of the southern Israeli city of Sderot,which in recent years has been the target of thousands of Qassam rockets launched from Gaza (see, for instance, […] Like a recurrent tide that ebbs and flows isolationism, what some have called Fortress America, arrives at water’s edge each generation. War fatigue, monstrous expenditures, casualties and the cri de coeur that we cannot be the world’s policeman contribute to the belief from the left and the right that we should turn inward concentrating […] Even now, the Obama Administration does not seem to understand fully the risks that terrorism poses to our country. Why else would they commit the outrage of sneaking Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame, believed to be a senior commander with an al Qaeda group known as al-Shabaab in Somalia, into the middle of NYC from the Persian […] On Jan. 4, Salmaan Taseer, the liberal-minded governor of the Pakistani province Punjab, was shot 27 times at point-blank range by his bodyguard, an Islamic fanatic named Mumtaz Qadri. “The bullets pierced every organ in his body except his heart and his larynx,” his daughter Shehrbano told me recently. “So, in the end, they […] Are You Better Off? Obama will have to answer the question Reagan asked in 1980. White House adviser David Plouffe was hammered this week when he offered that “the average American” isn’t going to “vote based on the unemployment rate.” His remark gained instant notoriety after Friday’s dismal jobs report showing an unemployment rate […]