LOS ANGELES – It is a California conceit that the culture begins on the Pacific and spreads not so slowly toward the Atlantic. Showbiz governors, governments of costly dreams, freeways, homosexuality as fashion, Valley Girl talk (like, you know), and once upon a time, even right-wing politics, more or less originated here. […] Kelly McParland Things must be getting tougher in the Hate Israel industry these days, what with Arab leaders slaughtering their own people everywhere you look, in order to hold onto their jobs. People were killed in Egypt, people were killed in Tunisia and Bahrain, people are still being killed in Yemen, Libya and especially […] The U.N. Prepares for Durban IIIElects Iran VP and Qatar president of the General Assembly.Anne Bayefsky On Wednesday, the U.N. General Assembly elected Iran one of its vice presidents and Qatar as president, each for a year-long term starting in September. At one and the same time the Obama State Department has […] J.M. Berger is editor of and author of the new book, Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam Osama bin Laden liked having Americans in his entourage. Mohammed Loay Bayazid, a former resident of Kansas City, took notes at the meeting in which al-Qaeda was founded. Wadih El-Hage, […] Elena Bonner speaks on Israel (and Russia) Elena Bonner, the widow of great scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov and an outstanding human rights activist in her own right, is truly one of the heroes of the modern age. (It was my privilege to interview Bonner nearly two years ago for this article.) Yesterday, the 86-year-old […] Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Jay Bergman, Professor of History at Central Connecticut University and the author, most recently, of Meeting the Demands of Reason: The Life and Thought of Andrei Sakharov, published by Cornell University Press in 2009. Elena Bonner, R.I.P. Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine’s editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History […] A day after announcing its official partnership with al-Qaeda, the Nigerian Islamist militant group Boko Haram launched Nigeria’s first suicide bombing. Sadly, the Nigerian importation of Islam’s favorite weapon of choice signals a serious escalation in an already brutal sectarian war. According to Nigerian police, the suicide bomber in the capital city of Abuja […]
Glenn Beck and His Bashers Posted By P. David Hornik When Glenn Beck’s upcoming Jerusalem rally was first announced last month, he said it would be called “Restore Courage”—modeled on his “Restoring Honor” rally last year in Washington that drew half a million. Or as Beck put it: “Last summer, we set out to […] Seeing the Light Posted By David Solway I have often wondered why the preponderance of left-liberal writing and expression-in-general has recently grown so wrong-headed, obtuse, hackneyed, tedious, stagnant, uneventful, dismal, shallow, and, in a word, dingy. Long have I sought for an answer to this nagging question as I struggled through the curdled murk […] The IRS’s Charity Purge Small nonprofits don’t need more paperwork assignments from Washington. By SUZANNE GARMENT AND LESLIE LENKOWSKY The Internal Revenue Service announced this month that 275,000 nonprofit groups—around 18% of the country’s tax-exempt organizations—have lost their federal exemptions because they failed to file Form 990s. The announcement was a long time in […]