Syria: Where Massacre Is a Family Tradition The mask of the Assad regime finally falls, and the world is forced to confront its illusions about Iran’s ally and Hezbollah’s patron. By FOUAD AJAMI Pity the Syrians as they face the Assad regime’s tanks and artillery and snipers. Unlike in Libya, there is no Arab […] Hi Gang: If you are reading this commentary hoping to find words of encouragement, unless you are a terrorist, you won’t find anything to encourage you in this commentary. As I once told then Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr. a number of years ago when we had a quick […]
Al Qaeda still world’s top threat, Interpol chief says Interpol chief Ronald Noble on Tuesday said al Qaeda and associated organizations continue to pose the greatest threat to global security even after the death of longtime leader Osama bin Laden, Reuters reported. “Even before bin Laden was captured and killed, the biggest threat […] Posted at 09:00 AM ET, 06/12/2011 Obama bullies Israel; so much for promises at AIPAC By Jennifer Rubin Since the president’s Arab Spring speech, friends of Israel have been nervous about at least two issues: the promise Israel would not have to sit down with those who seek its destruction and the negotiations based […] A Dream of Spring Arabs against themselves. Jun 20, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 38 • By LEE SMITH Half a year after the fall of Tunisia’s Zine el Abidine Ben Ali, it’s time for a partial reckoning of the Arab Spring. Verdict: Uncertain. Last week’s demonstrations on the Golan Heights commemorating the 44th anniversary […]
The Acronym That Ate Health Care Meet IPAB, a constitutional outrage and de facto death panel BY STANLEY KURTZ The 2012 election, and the existence of a free health-care market in this country, could well depend on a little-known agency called IPAB. Remember that acronym. It stands for the Independent Payment Advisory Board, a […] Grover Norquist has never publicly answered the charges laid at his door by Frank Gaffney. Norquist sits on the Board of Directors of the American Conservative Union and the National Rifle Association (NRA). In addition, Norquist is also the president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), which sponsors the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Grover […] The “Muslims First” Foreign Policy In France, American embassies and consulates have been directed to “empower” Muslim and push for the passage of “social reforms” that will benefit them. In the UK, American diplomats were directed to again “empower” Muslims and made outreach to them a top priority. In Israel, the US consulate in […]
Here Comes Another Flotilla at June 12, By Jerold S. Auerbach One year ago the Mavi Marmara, cast by its sponsors as the Palestinian Exodus, led a “Gaza Freedom Flotilla.” Its goal was not to condemn the ruling Hamas government in Gaza, sworn to Israel’s destruction, but to breech the Israeli blockade. Its “humanitarian […] Barack Obama, George Soros and the Religious Left By Jason Lee Periodically, the professional left and their comrades in the traditional news media highlight religious leaders cheering for President Obama’s compassionate statism or denouncing Republicans as sons of the devil. I’m sure we can expect this pattern to become more frequent and more frantic as […]