Hilary Clinton To Be World Bank President? U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been in discussions with the White House about leaving her job next year to become head of the World Bank, sources familiar with the discussions said on Thursday. The former first lady and onetime political rival to President Barack Obama quickly […]
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/06/medias-palinphobia-hits-fever-pitch-ny-times-and-wapo-beg-readers-to-scour-sarahs-emails.html Media’s Palinphobia Hits Fever Pitch: NY TImes and WaPo Beg Readers to Scour Sarah’s Emails I have written often of the irrational violent cauldron of vicious hate that Sarah Palin’s goodness (and very existence) elicits from the forces of evil the left. A new low (is that even possible?) was reached today when the […]
http://www.prudenpolitics.com/ The quality of mercy is not strain’d,” or so the Bard imagined. “It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven.” Sometimes. Maybe. But Mr. Shakespeare never lived and worked in Washington, where many things droppeth but few are gentle. The Great Washington Weiner Roast continues into early summer, to the chagrin of Democrats and […]
http://www.intellectualconservative.com/2011/06/07/i-still-miss-president-reagan/ On the anniversary of President Reagan’s death – Recalling His Centennial Celebration Last February in the hours before the Steelers versus Packers Super Bowl game I found myself glued to the coverage on Fox News of the Reagan centennial birthday celebration at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Library. President Reagan was the president […]
Posted by an anonymous that reads newspapers every day. The conclusion: The Arabs are not happy!!! · They are not happy in Gaza.· They are not happy in the West.· They are not happy in Jerusalem. · They are not happy in Israel. (There is no equality)· They are not happy in Egypt. · They […]
On the Eve of Turkey’s Elections …by Daniel Pipes http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2011/06/on-the-eve-of-turkey-elections Here is the Associated Press caption for the above picture: “Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton gives Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu a high five at the start of their bilateral meeting at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Thursday, June […]
NYU’s Superficial Entrapment Study http://www.investigativeproject.org/2957/nyu-superficial-entrapment-study A new report from New York University’s law school exaggerates the government’s role in “manufacturing” evidence to support the claim of a rise in homegrown terrorism while also relying on a series of flawed and biased reports from groups hostile to law enforcement’s counterterrorism efforts, an analysis by the Investigative […]
Texas Passes Light Bulb Law by Editor • Jun 8, 2011 at 11:34 pm http://www.futureofcapitalism.com/2011/06/texas-passes-light-bulb-law The Austin American-Statesman reports that the Texas legislature has passed a law settling up a conflict with the federal government over the federal light bulb mandate: Legislators also passed laws and resolutions pushing back at federal environmental regulators. One bill […]
http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2011/06/07/giving_away_the_farm?print=yes&hidecomments=yes&page=full The Obama administration is freely giving Russia sensitive information about missile defense that weakens U.S. national security. President Barack Obama’s administration recently threatened to veto the defense budget, citing “serious concerns” over provisions that limit the U.S. missile defense know-how that the White House is permitted to share with Moscow. This is the sort […]
URL to article: http://www.sarahhonig.com/?p=861 Just try to imagine what would have happened had Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stood before some Jewish forum and exclaimed that “from now on we won’t allow the presence of one Arab in our independent Israel with Jerusalem as its capital.” The cacophony of condemnation from abroad, we can safely assume, […]