The Texas model added 37% of all net U.S. jobs since the recovery began. THE GOVERNOR IS RICK PERRY…..A GOOD POSSIBILITY FOR THE GOP IN 2012….RSK Richard Fisher, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, dropped by our offices this week and relayed a remarkable fact: Some 37% of all net new […]
How to Be an Honest Whistleblower Truth-telling in public is more admirable than skulking around in the dark. Late Thursday afternoon, former National Security Agency official Thomas Andrews Drake reached a plea bargain with federal prosecutors, avoiding prosecution under the Espionage Act of 1917. Rather than face trial for 10 felony counts, he pleaded […] Hey Democrats: Why Does Weiner Have To Go, but Bill Clinton Didn’t? Where was the outrage from Dems when Bill was committing actual federal felonies to cover up his actual sex scandal? Well, well. So I’ve been looking around on the Intertubes to see all the denunciations of Anthony Weiner’s prevarications by members of […]
A Short History of Political SuicideBy John Steele Gordon Anthony Weiner’s Twitter disaster may well cost him his seat in Congress. Washington has seen many other sordid meltdowns. Woodrow Wilson’s most famous piece of political advice was “Never murder a man who’s committing suicide.” Rep. Anthony Weiner’s critics might keep that in mind. The […]
The Jewish Advocate June 10, 2011 Jewry with the fringe on top: Boston JCRC boosts J Street Andrea Levin I n the wake of the slaughter of five members of an Israeli family in early March, a terrorist act that included slitting the throat of a baby, 46 Congressional leaders sent a letter to President […] It seems that Anthony Weiner goofed by not hiring a top professional p.r. firm that specializes in damage control for the walking stupid. He may still end up doing that but it’s a pricey proposition and if he wants to go the cheaper route, I have ten suggestions: 1) Find a black ancestor in his […] This week’s syndicated column: My best guess is the sun is hot. I feel its heat. I see by its light. I understand its role in the growth of crops and other living things. If I were to come across scholarly data attesting to its high temperatures, I would probably look at the fiery […]
Godfather vs. Tax Man So how good a businessman is Herman Cain? During a meeting with Wall Street Journal editors yesterday, the Republican presidential candidate said that his experience as a CEO in the restaurant industry was important training for the job of America’s chief executive. But Mr. Cain was also quick to point out […] Former Congressman and current Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum is turning up the heat on the issue of man-made global warming, calling it “patently absurd,” a stance putting him at odds with perceived frontrunner Mitt Romney. “I believe the Earth gets warmer and I also believe the Earth gets cooler, and I think history […] The early GOP presidential front-runner has broken with his party’s conservative ranks to declare global warming a real threat to the planet that merits some sort of action to curb heat-trapping emissions. But the former Massachusetts governor is also quick to trash cap and trade, carbon taxes and other controversial policies that have been […]