Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 – Telegraph Blogs http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/nilegardiner/100090356/why-barack-obama-may-be-heading-for-electoral-disaster-in-2012 Why Barack Obama may be heading for electoral disaster in 2012 Nile Gardiner, Telegraph.co.uk On a recent visit to London I was struck by how much faith many British politicians, journalists and political advisers have in Barack Obama being re-elected […]
For more United Nations coverage see www.EYEontheUN.org. With President Obama’s anti-Israel hostility becoming an increasing liability for Democrats, the administration finally decided Wednesday to pull out of the U.N.’s upcoming Israel-bashing extravaganza known as “Durban III.” Believe it or not, the notorious U.N. world summit on racism is coming to New York City in September […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9653/pub_detail.asp Family Security Matters.org Contributing Editor Ashraf Ramelah is founder and president of Voice of the Copts.org, an international human rights organization, and has appeared on the Israel National Radio Tamar Yonah Show and the Jay Sekulow Live! Radio Show. Recently Egyptian freedom-fighters revisited Tahrir (Liberty) Square in Cairo to reinforce demands for democratic elections. […]
http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.9652,css.print/pub_detail.asp With graduation season upon us, it’s not surprising that columnists would voice their comments about the state of education and the disconnect between the university and the real world. David Brooks (NYTimes) objects to the emphasis on individualism and finding one’s bliss: “The graduates are also told to pursue happiness and joy. But of course, when […]
Horror for U.S. Economy as Data Falls off Cliff (CNBC) Rumbles on Hill as Gadhafi hangs on (WT) 150 Economists Back Republicans in Debt Fight (CNBC) Ryan challenges the president to stop playing politics with Medicare (CNN) Union Price Tag Grows at a Cost to U.S. Taxpayer (FOX) Admin Denies Indiana Request To De-Fund Planned […]
“Tsunami of September” Posted By Ryan Mauro URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/06/02/%e2%80%9ctsunami-of-september%e2%80%9d/ The Israeli Defense Minister is warning of the “tsunami of September” when the U.N. will vote on recognizing an independent Palestine. Spain will recognize a Palestinian state even before then. International pressure against Israel is ratcheting up, and at the same time, Fatah has […]
Israelis Increasingly Resigned to Life without Peace By Juliane von Mittelstaedt http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,765960,00.html There was a time when Israel was anxious to strike a peace deal with the Palestinians. Now, however, the majority of the country’s population seems to have given up hope. While young Arabs are rebelling against autocratic regimes in the region, apathy is spreading in […]
URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2011/06/02/hamas-and-fatah-different-tactics-same-jihad/ Hamas and Fatah: Different Tactics, Same Jihad By Robert Spencer George Wallace famously said long ago that there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Republican and Democratic parties, and that is even more true of Fatah and Hamas. Now that Hamas and Fatah have signed a reconciliation agreement, the […]
Romney’s Second Primary Act Revisiting Mitt. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/268616 When Mitt Romney ran for the Republican nomination in 2008, many voters got their first look at the former governor through the eyes of radio talk-show host Hugh Hewitt, an early supporter, who wrote a book entitled A Mormon in the White House? 10 Things Every American Should […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/tatler/2011/06/01/breaking-somali-suicide-bomber-was-from-minneapolis/?singlepage=true BREAKING: Somali suicide bomber was from Minneapolis Abdirahman Warsame at Terror Free Somalia informed us late last night that messages appearing on known al-Shabaab websites indicate that a suicide bomber who carried out on attack on AMISOM forces in Mogadishu on Monday was a Somali-American from the Minneapolis area. A twenty-two minute audio was […]