Stockholm, Oslo MARK PROWISOR The distance between Stockholm and Oslo is a little over 500 kilometers. In Israel however they seem to converge together. According to Wikipedia: In psychology, Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological phenomenon wherein hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors. These […] “How Many Palestinian Arab Refugees Were There?” asks Professor Efraim Karsh [1] in Israel Affairs (April, 2011). The discussion and his work are critical, because they lie at the heart of other pivotal questions: who are the “Palestinian refugees,” and from where did they come? Unfortunate victims of the Arab war to destroy Israel […]
Comment: Where is the outrage?By DAVID HOROVITZ WHY THE SURPRISE? THE 2 STATE GROUPIES WERE BLIND AND INDIFFERENT TO THE CHARACTER, THE HISTORY AND THE RHETORIC OF ABBAS…..RSK The int’l community has chosen indulgence, disingenuousness in the face of Abbas’s capitulative embrace of the Islamic extremists. Since Fatah and Hamas announced their “reconciliation” accord […]
Saudi king tightens media restrictions RIYADH — Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has imposed new media restrictions and threatened hefty fines and closure of news organisations allegedly undermining national security, press reports said on Saturday. Under a decree issued on Friday, the media will be prohibited from reporting anything that contradicts the strict Islamic sharia […] Six killed in Afghanistan attacks on first day of Taliban offensive (CNN) — A 12-year-old suicide bomber killed three other people, including a district council head, and armed attackers shot to death two police officers Sunday, the first day of a Taliban spring offensive. The attacks followed a Taliban declaration Saturday that its spring […]
What Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy’s tax hike plan tells us about liberal governance. The ‘Anti-Christie’ That’s how Connecticut’s Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy describes himself in contrast to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and we’d have to say he’s right. Nutmeg State residents will pay for the appellation. Whereas Mr. Christie has vetoed tax increases, cut […]
Click here: President Obama’s Mushy Announcment That Osama Bin Laden Is Dead (Updates within) – Maggie’s Farm President Obama’s Mushy Announcment That Osama Bin Laden Is Dead (Updates within) President Obama takes over all the TV networks and other media to tell us that Osama bin Laden is confirmed dead. Osama bin Laden is reported […] This remarkably gristly piece of meat cooked to toughest inedibility and served up in the Guardian on a chipped and discolored stoneware dish by Martin Amis on the subject of his dear dying friend Christopher Hitchens—so tight are they, in fact, that Mr. Amis has packed up his family and moved from England to […]
Worse Than Jimmy Carter “Every country is different, and every situation is different.” That is the kind of deep foreign policy mystery some of us might not have puzzled out on our own but for the little tutorial delivered by the president’s press secretary this afternoon on the mowing down of demonstrators across Syria, […] ‘Funny’ Anti-Gaddafi Cartoons Reveal Rebel Racism, Anti-Semitism Gaddafi’s eastern Libyan opponents have been flouting their prejudice in full view of the world’s media with little to no response. WHY OH WHY IS ANYONE STILL SURPRISED ?…THERE IS A LEGACY OF VIRAL ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE ARAB/MOSLEM WORLD SINCE THE TIME OF THE PROPHET….IT IS ALL […]