Why Is the Continuing Resolution Issue Time Rather Than Subject Matter? Since we are now down to the juvenilia of fighting over one-week continuing resolutions (CRs) incorporating budget cuts that are laughably tiny given the red sea of debt we are in, I have a question: Why is time rather than subject matter driving […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Shari Hillman Phone: 202-638-6688 E-mail: New DNC Chair Endorses Fringe Anti-Israel Group RJC criticizes Wasserman Schultz’s embrace of controversial J Street Washington, D.C. (April 6, 2011) – The newly appointed chair of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) has sustained and controversial ties to the fringe anti-Israel […] Dear Senator McConnell, As freshmen Senators, we campaigned on the need to restore fiscal responsibility to our government. The current path is fiscally unsustainable and will have negative consequences for economic growth and prosperity. As we work to reduce wasteful government spending, we recognize that providing for the national defense is a constitutional responsibility […] By SAM SCHECHNER and LAUREN A.E. SCHUKER TOO BAD….BECK IS AN ENORMOUS SOURCE OF INFORMATION …..TO THINK THAT A TOTAL PINHEAD LIKE O’REILLY HAS PRIME TIME AND BECK IS OUT IS REALLY A SHAME….RSK Glenn Beck plans to leave his daily Fox News talk show later this year, ending a program that attracted both […]
Petraeus Misfires on Quran Burning Mobs murder more than 20 innocents in the name of God—and the commander of Afghan forces rebukes a publicity-hungry pastor in Florida. By DOROTHY RABINOWITZ It must have come as a disappointment to the mullahs of Mazar-e-Sharif—who sent the faithful out on Friday with instructions to avenge the recent insult […]
Nihad Awad, Co-founder of CAIR, Unplugged: Portrait of an Anti-Semite By Steven Emerson In the past few years, Nihad Awad, head of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other top CAIR leaders have been feted to a dizzying array of non-Muslim defenders in the media, Congress, local law enforcement like Los Angeles […] Netanyahu’s Phony Realism “People do not understand where they live. If you do not live in the real world, it is possible to disregard everything, and I suggest that they start being wary in order to protect the existing construction.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made these remarks last month in an effort to […] In the 21st century, on the lunatic fringe of American religion, a man decided to revive the medieval practice of putting an animal or inanimate object on trial for some grave offense, which was usually for witchcraft or being an instrument of the devil. The medievalist man is Terry Jones, pastor of the Dove […],1518,755470,00.html Gadhafi’s Ukrainian Nurses ‘Papa Is Used to the Heat’ Moammar Gadhafi may be viewed as a despot by the West, but his Eastern European nurses call him “papa.” Now, one nurse has taken her story public and revealed that the Libyan dictator isn’t a bad boss to have. And that he has a weakness […] The Ryan Resolution The most serious attempt to reform government in a generation. Well, so much for dodging entitlements. This year’s trendy complaint, shared by the left and the tea party, that Republicans hadn’t tackled the toughest budget issues was blown away yesterday with the release of House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan’s budget for […]