A KIND NATION AMID BARBARIANS Jude is a Palestinian baby, and her mother had been taken to the settlement because of its medical facilities, which has much experience in treating Palestinians. Here’s 19-year-old Corporal Haim Levin, an IDF paramedic, holding a newborn baby girl, Jude. She’s come into the world at the very locality where […]
NO WAY OBAMA WINS IN 2012By DICK MORRIS Published on IF THE REPUBLICANS PUT UP ANOTHER DOLE/McCAIN (SEE HALEY BARBOUR) OR AN UNWINNER (SEE SANTORUM, HUCKABEE AND PALIN) OR A JOKE (SEE TRUMP) WE WILL LOSE….RSK The combination of high oil and gasoline prices, rising food costs, higher health insurance premiums and the likelihood […] A Scorecard Of Negatives, A Menace To Our Future By ERNEST S. CHRISTIAN AND GARY A. ROBBINS By any rational standard, Barack Obama gets an F for job performance and should — on that basis alone — either resign or be voted out ASAP before he does further harm. Obama is a strange man […] Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas-tied ISNA Trains Muslim Students How to Deceive/Manipulate the Media War gaming. Battle cries in the information battle-space. Notice that the Muslim Brotherhood group “is the official clearinghouse for information disseminated [to the media] from our Society and the School and will establish and enforce standard operating procedures for different types of interactions […] Canadian PM, Immigration Minister slam Israeli Apartheid Week Israeli Apartheid Week, staged on campuses all over the U.S. as well as Canada, usually with the participation of the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Muslim Students Association, was always grotesque and based on the monstrous falsehoods churned out by the Palestinian propaganda industry and eagerly disseminated by the […] The Obama administration has denounced the crackdown on protesters in Bahrain. But whether President Obama realizes it or not, stability in that country is a vital U.S. interest. Bahrain is a small but critically important state in a mostly hostile region. It’s a longtime U.S. Persian Gulf ally and site of the headquarters of […] Aid targeted for countries that ‘don’t like us Justification sought for U.S. cash By Seth McLaughlin Seeking to shut off federal aid going to foreign countries that “don’t like us,” a Texas Republican congressman said Wednesday that lawmakers should vote separately on funding for every foreign nation receiving taxpayer money. With foreign aid a […] In the 1979 movie “The China Syndrome,” reporter Kimberly Wells (played by Jane Fonda) witnesses an accident at a nuclear power plant and then uncovers a plot to keep it a secret in order to protect the power company’s billion-dollar investment. The film was a gift to the political left, which at the time […]
It’s Abu Mazen, Stupid! Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative”,7340,L-4042807,00.html The March 11, 2011 heinous stabbing to death of a Jewish family – while asleep on the eve of the Sabbath – including a three month old baby, a three year old toddler, an eleven year old child and their parents was carried […] Once upon a time, it was kind of a big deal when Gen. David Petraeus came to town to testify before Congress about “the war.” That was when the wars in Iraqistan weren’t exactly young, but also hadn’t yet execeeded the 100-Year-War, and hadn’t stretched into a kind of national security wall paper that […]