By JPOST.COM STAFF AND ASSOCIATED PRESS….. NOTE FROM AN E-PAL….. Obama invited Muslim brotherhood to his Cairo speech. He just invited them to the White House. Janet Napolitano invited them to Homeland Security. Now the Administration is working to put them into the Egyptian Government. The question is why? Are they so ignorant that they […]
American Dream, Jewish Nightmare A Must Read: A popular internet cartoon is a subtly anti-Semitic, updated version of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” By Prof. Steve Hochstadt Arutz Sheva (Israel National News) “What does matter in 2011 is that American politicians and media personalities think a film that portrays Jews as evil monsters […] The terrorism that visited the US over Lockerbie in December 1998 and in New York at the World Trade Center in 1993 were dismissed as nothing more than the actions of disgruntled “unaffiliated terrorists,” or “radicals.” President Clinton went so far as to blame the bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma City not […]
Egypt’s Two Sets of Books by Tuvia Tenenbom The biggest story the Western can come up with is this: A country of 85 million — mostly very religious people — will be able to transform itself into a secular democracy at once. This is not imagination; this is naiveté. Well intentioned, perhaps, but still […] “So please, Mr. Islamic scholar Kristol, explain all of the jihadists and home grown terrorists born and raised in Western nations. Think, man. Quoting Robert Spencer, “Muslims are the first immigrant group that has ever come to this country with a ready-made model of society and government they believe to be superior to what […] The leftist/Islamic alliance in the West is fomenting and inciting hate against America and Israel in Egypt and outside of Egypt. These nazi-inspired propagandists are working feverishly for the next holocaust and the abrupt end of American hegemony in the region, and across the world. That Obama is aligned with these groups is catastrophic. […] Friday, 4 February 2011 A Tribute To Edward Mortimer More than five years ago I put up the following. I’ve reposted this blast or post from the past because it does not date, and has relevance today, what with all the hysterical enthusiasm, displayed by the likes of Nicholas Kristof, who today informed the […] Then and Now, Or, remember Iran as you think about Egypt Posted By Roger Kimball As you ponder what the Obama administration means by “now” — the time for Hosni Mubarak to begin the transition of power, Obama said [1]again yesterday, is “now” — close your eyes and think back, back, all the way […] The “Trusting Khomeini” Syndrome, Redux? By Andrew Bostom Falk’s imaginary Ayatollah, circa February, 1979: Having created a new model of popular revolution based, for the most part, on non-violent tactics. Iran may yet provide us with a desperately-needed model of humane governance for a third-world country. If this is true, then indeed the exotic […] Five years ago, the story of Abdul Rahman, a Christian convert from Islam under prosecution for his faith in US-“liberated” Afghanistan, did not make the pages of the New York Times. The Chicago Tribune reported the story in the most vivid terms (the lead prosecutor, the Trib reported, called Rahman “a microbe in society,” […]