“Halfway into his term, Obama has discovered that his background in a Muslim country and his antipathy to America, haven’t led to any diplomatic accomplishments on the ground. Afghanistan and Pakistan are sliding. The Saudis are pulling the strings. Iran has no interest in being reasonable. And nothing he does make any difference. But […]
Jews in the Home of the Mufti: Historic Justice Elyakim Haetzni Yedioth Ahronoth Dear Friends, Below please find the translation into English of Elyakim Haetzni’s excellent article that appeared in the Yediot Acharonot newspaper a few days ago, about the return of Jewish life in Jerusalem at the site of the “Shepherd’s hotel”, which had […] UK: Hotel brushes aside human rights protests, hosts Islamic conference featuring preachers calling for execution of gays No worries. Gay rights activists are virtually certain to ignore this and to continue targeting the real enemy: Christian fundamentalists. Yet more dhimmitude from Absurd Britannia: “Ibis hotels host islamic extremists’ conference, despite protests,” by Stacey […] Why do we keep seeing threats and incidents of terrorism? Because they work. And until we grow enough spine to resist them in all their manifestations, we will keep seeing more. “National Archives cancels screening of documentary on Iran after threats,” by Sarah Boesveld for the National Post, January 18 (thanks to C.): […]
January 19, 2011 4:00 A.M. Wrong on Rauf Sarah Palin did not libel the Ground Zero imam. Imam Feisal Rauf, the cleric behind the provocative Ground Zero Mosque (GZM) project, as one critic put it, “is no moderate. He presents himself as a peacemaking Islamic Gandhi, but he is in fact an apologist for […] Whether Mr. Obama will keep America safe remains to be seen. His administration’s persistent blind spot for jihad is troubling. Incidents such as the Fort Hood massacre, the Christmas Day 2009 underwear bombing and the attempted May 2010 Times Square bombing (the latter two of which failed only because of terrorist incompetence) demonstrate that […] THIS HAPPENED DURING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION WHICH WAS SO VERY RELUCTANT TO RUFFLE MOSLEM FEATHERS AND INVESTIGATE MOSQUES AND SO CALLED FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS…..REALLY APPALLING….RSK ELI LAKE FBI took long look at AIPAC activities Probe targeted suspected spies By Eli Lake FBI agents thought they were hunting a spy for Israel in 2004 when they […] WILL HEZBOLLAH RUSH IN WHERE MODERATES FEAR TO TREAD?….RSK By Heather Murdock BEIRUT | As Lebanon waits for lawmakers to begin trying to form a new government, political gridlock and looming security threats are corroding the Lebanese economy and creating fear in the streets. “They don’t mind sacrificing the public,” said Lebanese political analyst […]
Copts, Christians, Jews and Other Minorities in the Middle East by Franck Salameh Happy New Year, even though this promises to be a year that is neither Happy nor Blessed for the world’s Coptic community. The Copts, the ancient Christians of modern Egypt, who can trace their proud roots back to Pharaonic times, have […] JOSHUA GREEN In my short profile of Herman Cain, the Tea Party favorite and GOP presidential hopeful, I mentioned his auspicious debut on the national political stage. It came in 1994, when Cain was CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and challenged Bill Clinton at a nationally televised town hall meeting supposed to shore up support […]