Move over MLK Jr Day, CAIR makes it Muslim Capitol Day « Creeping Sharia Move over MLK Jr Day, CAIR makes it Muslim Capitol Day Posted on January 16, 2011 by creeping CAIR bills itself as a “civil rights” organization although it is not. If the issue doesn’t benefit Muslims, Islam or sharia, you can […] In a recent Washington Post commentary on the Arizona killings, Mark Rudd admits he was complicit in the planned bombing of an NCO’s dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey in 1970 – an act that if it had succeeded may have killed many young soldiers and their dates. Mark Rudd is a former leader […] Jews Must Flee Holland in 2011 by Giulio Meotti Jews will flee the multicultural Netherlands before it is too late, says Meotti.. As author Manfred Gerstenfeld, said: “Antisemitism is a perfect prism to understand the failure of Dutch multiculturalism”. During last summer, a monumental tree trunk collapsed in Amsterdam. It was the old tree seen by Anne […]
Illegal Immigration Shutting the Back Door to Fortress Europe By Manfred Ertel and Walter Mayr Greece wants to erect a fence on its border with Turkey to stop illegal immigrants from crossing into the EU. But the ruthless people traffickers in Turkey will do whatever it takes to get those dreaming of a better life […]
Spymaster sees Israel as world cyberwar leader By Dan Williams TEL AVIV | Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:47pm EST TEL AVIV (Reuters) – Israel is using its civilian technological advances to enhance cyberwarfare capabilities, the senior Israeli spymaster said on Tuesday in a rare public disclosure about the secret program. Using computer networks for […]
Europe On Trial “What is the Judge Going to Find Me Guilty of, Quoting the Koran?” by A. Millar When Austrian anti-sharia activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff stood in court November 28 to defend herself against the charge of “incitement of hatred,” her alleged “crime” was to have given a seminar on the subject of Islam […] TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — In an unexpected twist to the Arizona shootings, a man wounded in the attack was arrested and taken for a psychiatric exam after an outburst at a town-hall meeting, during which he took a picture of a tea party leader and yelled, “You’re dead,” authorities say. James Eric Fuller, 63, was […] Governor Christie’s Dirty Islamist Ties New Jersey, the Garden State, has just taken its first step toward becoming the Sharia State, with Governor Christie’s nomination of Sohail Mohammed, an attorney to detained terrorist suspects, to a Superior Court judgeship in Passaic County. The Sohail nomination continues Christie’s unfortunate pandering to the American Muslim Union […] Mosque’s Daisy Khan Not Backing Down By Suzanna Andrews “This change in the imam’s status came as a complete surprise to Khan, who says the couple was not told about it in private or in advance; she says they only learned of it when reporters began to call. And she insists that the couple’s […] The best decision I’ve ever made By ASHLEY PERRY I came on aliya 10 years ago today and my only regret is not having arrived sooner. Ten years ago I disembarked from an El Al plane which arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport from London. While seemingly alone in a foreign land, in reality I was […]