Obama Does Best When He Says Nothing By Jack Cashill In Tucson, on Wednesday evening, we saw President Barack Obama in his full Chauncey Gardiner mode. After the drubbing of November 2010, Obama’s handlers have come to understand that Obama does best when, like Chauncey, he says nothing at all. Chauncey Gardiner, the reader […]
Euro-Anti-Semitism The Europeans’ Incurable Disease By Nurit Greenger I have deep disdain for the Europeans for their anti-Semitic sentiments and for what they have done to the Jews; I now have even more disdain for them because they have not learned civility, not have they rid themselves of their anti-Semitic evil sentiments, thus they are […] “Never mind, they’ll swallow it,” said Stalin, the 20th Century’s first successful progenitor of the Big Lie. — This week’s syndicated column: The suppression of the facts is by no means the most dangerous aspect of any Big Lie. After all, facts don’t go away even amid efforts to suppress them. All sorts of […]
Gideon’s War: A Novel – Hardcover (Jan. 11, 2011) by Howard Gordon FOR FAUX FEMINISTS WHO WHINE AND DINE….RSK Gender Discrimination in Science Is a Myth Statistics show that women are treated fairly in technical fields. In the prestigious scientific journal Nature, my fellow University of Washington graduate, Dr. Jennifer Rohn, recently accused the entire scientific community of being “inherently sexist.” Her evidence? There are not […] EVEN JEREMY BEN-AMI OF JERK STREET JOINED THE OFFENDED CLOWNS…..RSK Wasn’t it moving to see progressive tweetdom and punditry unite in the defense of Jewry — in the Middle Ages? As a member of this most oppressed minority, I personally want to thank you. After all, how dare she? The media are so sick […] Is a Muslim Sit-Com the Answer to Our Problems? Posted By David Solway CBS anchor Katie Couric recently went on record deploring the “bigotry” and “seething hatred” that Muslims are supposed to be facing in the U.S., and proposing a “Muslim version of the Cosby Show” as a remedy to this lamentable situation. Of […]
Matthew Shaffer Bastardi’s Wager A former National Weather Service meteorologist has a challenge for climate scientists. Joe Bastardi’s great love is atmospheric science. He says he’s been fascinated by it “since I was a baby. My dad’s a meteorologist, his great-grandfather was the town weatherman in Sicily, and my son wants to be a […] Assisted Suicide When the Western press gives credence to anti-Israel propaganda, as it did in recent reports about a Palestinian woman killed by Israeli tear gas, it’s Arabs who are hurt most By Lee Smith | The mother of Jawaher Abu Rahmah, who allegedly died from inhaling tear gas, flashes a V-sign during her […]
Hit the Golf Links At the North Korean Open…I Kid You Not; Will Obama or Sean Penn Play? Posted by Peter Schweizer For those who want a trip that is truly exotic, consider going to North Korea this April to….play golf. Yes, that’s right, the Most Oppressive Regime on Earth desperately needs tourist dollars, […]