The European Union’s plan for immigration is as nonexistent as its plan for debt.
In the immediate refugee crisis many Europeans are acting on their humanitarian instincts, and that’s laudable. Angela Merkel, Germany’s leader, has been beatified for spontaneously throwing open her country’s doors to an estimated 800,000 Middle Eastern immigrants.
But Ms. Merkel has been busy for five years trying to save the eurozone by throwing extend-and-pretend money at Greece and other countries. She knew these loans weren’t a solution for Europe’s debt and stagnation problems; they were meant to stop the European Union from blowing up in the meantime. Her refugee policy is also partly a case of extend-and-pretend. Germany stepped up to forestall an outbreak of defiance of the EU’s open-borders mandate by front-line European states, triggering a crisis of Brussels’s authority.
Though it may be a humanitarian necessity too, her immigration initiative amounts to yet another time-buying exercise for a European unity project that seems more troubled by the day.