Giulio Meotti’s A New Shoah: The human cost of the jihad against Israel Almost every day at Jihad Watch I chronicle yet another incident of jihadist mass-murder: jihadists kill sixteen with suicide bomb outside a church, jihadists kill ten with a bomb at a hospital, and on and on. So many murders, so many […] Islamophobia-obsessed Media Silent on Anti-Semitic ‘Hate Crimes’ at Indiana U By Lachlan Markay | December 08, 2010 | 13:24 Most Americans are probably unaware that Jews were the victims of more than eight times as many anti-religion hate crimes last year as were Muslims. And the reason is simple: anti-Muslim crimes receive far more […]
Hello, I just made a new video this Friday, showing the illegal Muslim prayer that took place at 01:00 PM, today, in the street Myrha, in the 18th district of Paris : You will notice that the prayer is now broadcasted at a very loud volume. So, in one year, nothing has been made […] Now that the hustle and bustle of Mitchell and Clinton’s endless travel between Washington, Jerusalem and Ramallah has come to a full halt, and Netanyahu and Abbas no longer meet in the halls of Jerusalem or Ramallah, it is will be easy for Obama, the U.N, the Palarabs (aka “Palestinians”) and the Arab League […]
NOW WOULDN’T IT IB LOVERLY IF IT’S TRUE? Friday, December 10, 2010 GET REAL Iran: Israel has assassinated 3 nuclear scientists NICOSIA — Iran has reported a Western plot to target nuclear scientists. Officials said Israel and the United States appeared to be cooperating in identifying and targeting Iranian nuclear scientists. They said […] Column One: Why Latin America turned By CAROLINE B. GLICK 12/10/2010 15:35 Given the US policy trajectory, it is again obvious that the only one Israel can rely on to defend its interests is Israel. Israelis can be excused for wondering why Brazil and Argentina unexpectedly announced they recognize an independent Palestinian state with […] When Rahm Emmanuel resigned as President Obama’s first Chief of Staff on October 1, 2010 an almost unknown Washington insider named Pete Rouse was chosen to take Emmanuel’s place. Little has been reported about Rouse. When the White House blog first mentioned him it explained “Rouse’s disinclination towards the limelight” in the first sentence. […]
The World from Berlin Obama’s Middle East Policy ‘Marked by Ridiculous Zigzagging’,1518,733808,00.html The Middle East peace process has been left floundering after Washington admitted its efforts to get the Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table have failed. German editorialists take a dim view of President Obama’s approach. The Middle East peace process has […]
Droughts and Violence Deep-Seated Corruption in Kenya a Cause for US Concern By Horand Knaup,1518,733824,00.html Corruption is in no short supply in Africa. But in Kenya, the problem is particularly virulent, US dispatches show. Indeed, several government ministers are deeply involved in shady deals. That, though, may soon change. The man is small and […] The Vanguard of Modern Terrorism in Revolutionary Russia Santa Barbara, Calif.: Praeger Security International, Anna Geifman A 21-year-old woman walks into a police headquarters, a normal occurrence most days, except for this one. Thirteen pounds of explosives and a detonating device are attached to her body underneath her clothes. But before she has […]