NOW HE TELLS US….IN THE IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH OF 9/11 TONY CAME TO BUSH’S SIDE CLUTCHING A KORAN WHICH HE TOLD US HE HAD READ AND IT WAS…”.A RELIGION OF PEACE” HIJACKED BY SOME BADDIES…RSK In Defense of the West—and the Third Way ‘In today’s world, a progressive party that stands essentially for big government […]
Israeli man, pregnant woman injured in Route 60 shooting By YAAKOV KATZ AND ASSOCIATED PRESS ALSO READ: PEACE TALKS LEAVE DEATH IN THEIR WAKE: EDITORIAL OF THE CONNECTICUT JEWISH LEDGER…..BEST JEWISH INTEREST PAPER IN THE USA Editorial Connecticut Jewish Ledger September 10, 2010 Posted 9-8-2101 Peace Talks Leave Death in their Wake There is a […]
Weekend at Fidel’s ALSO READ HUMBERTO FONTOVA : HUMBERTO FONTOVA: CASTROITE TERRORISTS AS “LATIN AMERICAN EXPERTS”…..YOU MUST READ THIS At most marine parks in the world the animals provide the entertainment. But at the Havana aquarium last month, Fidel Castro had a couple of humans eating out of his hand and clapping like […] Military thwarted president seeking choice in Afghanistan By Bob Woodward Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, September 27, 2010; 12:34 AM The first of three articles adapted from “Obama’s Wars” by Bob Woodward. President Obama was on edge. For two exhausting months, he had been asking military advisers to give him a range of options […]
A’jad monster’s ball By BRAD HAMILTON It was a strange week for the loony strongman from Iran. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s six nights in New York featured a secret sit-down with militant minister Louis Farrakhan, heckling in a hotel bar, and a fear of being rubbed out that bordered on paranoia. The president shared a […] Latin-America “Expert”– or Castro Agent? HUMBERTO FONTOVA: Say a “Mid-East expert” at the Heritage Foundation thanked 9/11 terrorists Mohamed Atta and Abdulaziz al-Omari in the acknowledgments to his book. Say the tribute read: “In (terrorist-sponsoring) Syria many people spent long hours with me, helped open doors I could not have pushed through myself, and […]
“Among the groups the activists are involved with are the Palestine Solidarity Group, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, and Students for a Democratic Society, which was active during the Vietnam War. One of the apartments searched in Minneapolis belongs to Mick Kelly, an anti-war and government protestor, CNN affiliate KARE […] The Arabs Are Still Stuck on Rejection By Ted Belman Last week, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad angrily left a U.N. Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee meeting and canceled a scheduled subsequent press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon in New York. This was after Ayalon refused to approve a summary of the meeting which […]
I’M PROUD TO SAY THAT THE PROPHET BAT YE’OR IS MY FRIEND. LONG BEFORE THE WEST FOCUSED ITS EYES ON ISLAM, BAT YE’OR IDENTIFIED THE ARAB/MOSLEM WAR ON ISRAEL AS A JIHAD; WHILE THE “ORIENTALISTS” WERE FABULIZING MOSLEM TOLERANCE OF JEWS IN ARAB COUNTRIES, BAT YE’OR DOCUMENTED THE DHIMMI STATUS OF ALL JEWS IN ALL MOSLEM […] J Street’s Half-Truths and Non-Truths About Its Funding Earlier today, I wrote a post about J Street’s funding. There is more to the story. A set of half-truths, non-truths and ambiguities from J Street lead a reasonable person to conclude that the group tried to conceal that George Soros has been one of its largest […]