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The new bogeyman, hex, curse, sneer and left/liberal branding iron is racism. It comes with many names. “Islamophobia.” Bigotry. “White privilege.” It is invoked the moment a single person or publication criticizes the influx of Muslims and illegal immigrants into Europe or into the U.S. It is the “one size fits all” smear that is supposed to automatically silence critics of mass immigration and conflict-engendering multiculturalism and cause them to hang their heads in shame and apology – which it succeeds in doing – and then wave in without control the dross of the earth to loot, murder, rape, destroy, and force “whites” to pay Islamic or welfare state jizya, as the price of being left alone – for the time being.


There was a passage from Churchill’s speech condemning the Munich Agreement of September 1938 which sprang to mind a few weeks ago. In many ways that awful pact mirrors the tragic folly of the Iran nuclear agreement. In it Churchill mentions Czechoslovakia’s isolation and her betrayal by the European democracies which, in many instances, resembles Israel’s position today with the notable exception that Israel is highly armed and far better led:

On October 3rd 1938 with Britain still singing the praises of “Good Old Neville”, Churchill rose to address the House of Commons and quickly punctured the euphoria. Amid catcalls and roars of “rude!” and “nonsense!” and “sit down!” he turned on the men skulking on the Treasury Bench and thundered,

“…..we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat …the German dictator, instead of snatching his victuals from the table, has been content to have them served to him course by course … All is over. Silent, mournful, abandoned, broken, Czechoslovakia recedes into darkness. She has suffered in every respect by her association with the Western democracies.” Ignoring the uproar around him, he gave a stern warning, “Do not suppose this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year, unless, by a supreme recovery of our moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”

Given the weak state of Britain’s defenses it would have made perfect sense to come to an arrangement with Hitler but Churchill understood the absolute evil of Hitler and his Nazis in a way that others did not. It is inconceivable to me that the P5+1 are incapable of recognizing the absolute evil of the Iranian regime’s Islamic supremacist ideology particularly since, unlike Hitler, it does not even bother to hide it.

Review: Sharia-ism is Here Revisited :: by Edward Cline

I won’t attempt to top Marion DS Dreyfus’s fine August 8th review on IPT of Joy Brighton’s Sharia-ism is Here: The Battle to Control Women and Everyone Else . I reviewed Brighton’s book on Rule of Reason on May 6th, 2014 and on Family Security Matters on May 10th. An excerpt of the review also appeared on the Counter Jihad Report on May 12th, 2014.

Dreyfus’s review was reprinted on several other blog sites, most notably on The National Writers Syndicate site on August 8th, 2015. Her review is tellingly illustrated with a photograph of ISIS sex slaves being paraded in a cage on the back of a pickup truck.

Further, much of the material covered in Brighton’s nonpareil book has been cited in my own Jihad: Islam’s Reign of Terror and in A Handbook on Islam.

What follows is a reprint of my May 6th review for those who may have missed it.

Officers’ Letter to Congress on Iran Deal Is Not a One-Day Story By James Lewis

It is a profound and critical moment in our nation’s history when more than 200 flag officers condemn Barack Obama’s alarming Iran deal.

The most dangerous presidency in American history is now rushing to its climax. This is the lethal moment that Bush and Cheney warned us about – the catastrophic moment when a fanatical Armageddon regime in Tehran will be guaranteed a path to nuclear weapons. Some military experts are convinced they already have them.

The Bush administration made many mistakes, but it was absolutely on target about the danger of terrorists armed with nukes. For rational actors, nuclear weapons are a last-ditch defense, because in a nuclear exchange, everybody loses. Irrational and suicide-preaching regimes are different, just as Jim Jones was different from your Junior League Club.

Today, Obama actually wants to give the most destructive weapons in the world to Iran’s genocidal regime.

He has simply switched sides.

Germany’s Muslim Demographic Revolution by Soeren Kern

The surge in Germany’s Muslim population — propelled by a wave of migration unprecedented since the Second World War — represents a demographic shift of epic proportions, one that critics of the country’s open-door immigration policy warn will change the face of Germany forever.

“There are 20 million refugees waiting at the doorstep of Europe.” — Johannes Hahn, EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations.

According to Aiman Mazyek, head of the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, attendance at many mosques has doubled in the past month alone.

A large number (40%) are from countries in the Balkans, including Albania and Kosovo. This implies that nearly half of those arriving in Germany are economic migrants, not refugees fleeing war zones. — Thomas De Maizière, German Interior Minister.

Muslim men residing in Germany routinely take advantage of the social welfare system by bringing two, three or four women from across the Muslim world to Germany, and then marrying them in the presence of an imam. Once in Germany the women request social welfare benefits, including the cost of a separate home for themselves and for their children, on the claim of being a “single parent with children.” — From an exposé broadcast by RTL television.

Sen James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) And Scott Pruitt (A.G.)-Let States Do the Job Obama Won’t: Sanction Iran

The administration doesn’t want states to ‘interfere’ with its nuclear deal with Tehran.

President Obama’s executive agreement with Iran is enormously controversial for good reason. Negotiated in coordination with Russia, China, France, Germany and the United Kingdom, the deal welcomes Iran as a participant in the world community conditioned only on marginal changes to its nuclear program. It effectively allows Iran to maintain technology that would lead to a nuclear weapon, as well as continue its human-rights abuses, sponsoring of terrorism, imprisoning of American hostages, and threats to American allies, including Israel.

Germany Versus Science BerlinThreatens a U.S.-Europe Trade Pact by Rejecting GMO Food.

So much for Europe’s efforts to put the junk science surrounding genetically modified (GMO) food to rest. Berlin last week signaled it will prohibit cultivation of GMO crops in Germany, even if the crops have been approved by EU scientific bodies and despite an attempt by Brussels to legalize them.

Berlin is using an opt-out option granted by the EU to member states in April. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker moved to keep GMO foods generally legal in the EU, but he bowed to green pressure to allow individual states to prohibit EU-approved GMOs in response to concerns that “are usually not based on science but on other considerations.” That means politically driven consumer opposition or agricultural protectionism.

Mount McKinley to Be Renamed Denali By Elizabeth Williamson And Ryan Tracy

Obama is giving the mountain its Alaskan native name on the eve of visit.
Having spent four decades in a towering identity crisis, North America’s tallest peak is changing names, from Mount McKinley to Denali.

The White House said Sunday that Sally Jewell used her authority as secretary of the Interior Department to switch to the name given to the mountain by Alaskan native tribes.

“Generally believed to be central to the Athabaskan creation story, Denali is a site of significant cultural importance to many Alaska natives,” the White House said in a written statement. The change was announced on the eve of President Barack Obama’s visit to Alaska.

Denali, an Athabaskan word meaning “the high one,” has been the name used by Native Alaskans for centuries, and Mt. McKinley has long been a politically controversial replacement. A prospector exploring the area named the 20,320-foot-high peak after William McKinley after his nomination for president in 1896. In 1901, after Mr. McKinley was assassinated, the U.S. Board on Geographic Names “hurriedly” endorsed it despite the fact that the president had no connection to the mountain, according to the 1995 cartography book “Drawing the Lines—Tales of Maps and Cartocontroversy” by Mark S. Monmonier.

The Middle East Diaspora Descends on Europe By Sohrab Ahmari

They are fleeing the war in Syria—and turmoil in Iran, Afghanistan and beyond.
Lesbos, Greece

They wash ashore daily. This Greek island is the first port of call for many of the hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the war-torn failed states that encircle Europe today. Some 33,000 arrived in Lesbos in August, according to international aid groups, though local authorities believe the real number was much higher. Roughly a third escape Syria’s war zones. The rest hail from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Eritrea, Somalia, even Bangladesh.

Popular with tourists for its mountain vistas overlooking a deep-blue Aegean, Lesbos now doubles as a front-line processing center amid the biggest global refugee crisis since World War II. From here, the refugees sail on commercial vessels to Athens, then make their way by train, bus and foot to Macedonia toward destinations in Western and Northern Europe. The journey begins the moment the they set foot on Lesbos.

Disembarking dingy boats on the island’s northern shoreline, five miles from the Turkish coast, they walk to a makeshift outdoor camp in Molyvos, the first European town they encounter. Body odor mixed with the stench of urine engulfs you even before you set foot in the camp. Families sleep on the ground, garbage strewn all around them.

McKinley’s Greatest Monument : Seth Lipsky

It’s a mystery to us where President Obama or his interior secretary, Sally Jewell, gets the authority to rename in Alaska a mountain whose name was ratified by Congress a century ago as McKinley. We can understand the Democratic Party’s interest, in that McKinley, a Republican, was a particularly fine President. He was, moreover, one of four presidents felled by an assassin. We can understand, too, the sentiments of Alaska, whose legislature has wanted to change the name. Where, though, does the president come off doing this by fiat?