Over the last year every time the media sensed that it might be on the losing side of an argument, it began shouting “Bigot”. When ObamaCare and the Big Bailouts began floundering in the polls and meeting up with populist protests, the media began running stories accusing the protesters of being bigots, while claiming […] Ground Zero Imam Eyes Another Landmark By Jack Cashill Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, chairman of the soi-disant Cordoba Initiative, has gotten all the attention he deserves for his astonishingly insensitive attempt to build a 13-story mosque and community center at the site of Ground Zero. Rauf has largely escaped attention for his efforts to […] RAUF IS FAR SLICKER AND HAS TIES TO ARAB/MOSLEM NATIONS THAT WRIGHT NEVER HAD….BUT HIS MESSAGE IS EVEN WORSE THAT WRIGHT’S WHO IS A BUFOON……RSK Is Imam Rauf Going to Be Another Reverend Wright? By Victor Davis Hanson Self-described Sufi moderate Imam Rauf may prove to be an Islamic version of the Rev. Jeremiah […]
Rauf Lecture Reveals Radicalism IPT News August 23, 2010 The United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaida has of non-Muslims, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the leader of the effort to build a mosque near the site of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York, told an Australian audience in July […]
“Today, “moderate Islam†is an illusion. There is hardly a spark, much less a wildfire. Making moderation real will take more than wishing upon a star. It calls for a gut check, a willingness to face down not just al-Qaeda but the Qaradawis and their sharia campaign. It means saying: Not here.” Inventing Moderate […]
Freedom’s Edge Cashing In On Ground Zero Claudia Rosett, 08.24.10, 12:01 AM ET Among the prime planners of a $100 million Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero, it’s not just Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf who is visiting the Middle East this summer at U.S. taxpayer expense. The State Department is also about to […] “To Israel’s enemies, talks and agreements are incremental steps toward their ultimate goal of annihilating the Jewish state. Two examples: According to the Endowment for Middle East Truth, 16 years after Oslo, in 2009, the official of the terrorist organization Fatah continues to affirm “armed struggle” against Israel. And the Palestinian Authority continues to […] REMEMBER THAT TED KENNEDY CHALLENGED JHIMMI CARTER IN 1980…RSK EDITORIAL: The Hillary coup Can Mrs. Clinton be bribed into forgoing a 2012 challenge? By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – The Washington Times 6:55 p.m., Monday, August 23, 2010 A sure sign that an administration is in trouble is Beltway buzz about making dramatic changes at […] Saudi court rules: Paralyze man who crippled another ‘Eye-for-eye’ verdict stirs outrage By Ashish Kumar Sen – A Saudi Arabian court has ruled that a convicted man’s spinal cord should be severed so he is paralyzed as part of the kingdom’s Islamic-law-oriented retribution for similar injuries he is said to have inflicted upon another […] THE TROUBLE WITH THIS COLUMN IS THAT INDEED ISRAELIS ARE DIVIDED…BUT ALONG SECURITY ISSUES USING GAZA AS EXAMPLE….AND THE ARABS/MOSLEMS ARE VERY UNITED IN ONLY ONE THING…HATRED OF ISRAEL…..AND THAT TRUMPS JUST ABOUT EVERY OTHER CONCERN THEY HAVE….rsk Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks, Again By George Friedman The Israeli government and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) […]