The Towers of Barbarism Posted: 15 Aug 2010 08:56 PM PDT The Saudis have unveiled a plan to define Mecca as the center of the world by building a giant clock tower in Mecca. The Bin Laden group’s Royal Mecca Clock Tower which reads “In the Name of Allah”, aims to replace GMT time, […] “We have to build everywhere”: Hamas joins Hamas-linked CAIR in crowing over Ground Zero mega-mosque A victory mosque — and more are to come: “We have to build everywhere.” Meanwhile, CAIR’s chest-thumping over Obama’s blessing on the mosque is here. “Hamas nod for gz mosque: Terror group’s leader: ‘Have to build it,’” by S.A. […] Why Must Our President Apologize for Islam? August 15, 2010 9:20 PM By David Pryce-Jones President Obama’s speech on the occasion of the Ramadan dinner in the White House presents difficulties that are becoming his trademark. Why does he find it necessary to be an apologist for Islam? He started it in his speech […] By WILLIAM EASTERLY In June, this newspaper broke the story of how Afghan officials were literally stuffing suitcases with aid money and flying out of the country. As a result, the House foreign aid appropriations subcommittee voted to cut $4.5 billion from the U.S. aid program to Afghanistan. The situation in Afghanistan is not […]
WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY FOR OLIVER STONE AND MICHAEL MOORE TO MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT THEIR FAVORITE TYRAN’S “PARADISE” AND EVEN GET A NOBEL PRIZE FOR IT….RSK Cuba’s Cash-for-Doctors Program Thousands of its health-care missionaries flee mistreatment. By MARIA C. WERLAU For decades, Cuba has “exported” doctors, nurses and health technicians to earn diplomatic influence […]
Hollow Talk in the South China Sea If present military trends continue, the correlation of forces will shift much more to Beijing’s advantage within the next decade. By MARK HELPRIN Lurking about the presidency in the guise of secretary of state, America’s chief diplomat has embarked upon a mistake that someday may rival Dean […]
NO…THE WSJ EDITORIAL IS DEAD WRONG……FEISAL SHOULD NOT BUILD A MOSQUE, ESPECIALLY A MOSQUE WITH THE SYMBOLIC NAME OF MOSLEM CONQUEST ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES…..IT’S THE IMAM AS WELL AS THE LOCATION…..RSK How fraught is the debate over the proposed Ground Zero mosque? Even President Obama can’t seem to decide, or at least […] Hillary and the Ground Zero Mosque Imam Thomas Lifson It is time for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to step up to the plate and investigate Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, who is currently touring the Middle East at the expense of American Taxpayers as an envoy of her Department of State. Claudia Rossett, one […]–obama–and-truman-15496 Hiroshima, Obama, and Truman Jonathan S. Tobin WEB ONLY Today’s ceremony commemorating the 65th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima had something new: the presence of the U.S. ambassador to Japan. Never before had America sent an official participant in the annual memorial to those killed in the world’s first atomic attack. That […]
EDITORIAL: Coddling terrorists with the Patriot Act Justice Department spends $1.2 million investigating prisoner complaints By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – Instead of protecting civil liberties, the Justice Department is wasting money coddling prison inmates, including convicted terrorists. A report released by the department’s inspector general last week examined implementation of a section of the […]