Giant clock symbolizes religion’s expansionist aspirations By THE WASHINGTON TIMES .In a severe case of clock envy, Saudi Arabia has erected a nearly 2,000-foot-high timepiece intended to stake a symbolic claim for Mecca as the world’s center. Islamic scholars have proposed that the Royal Mecca Clock Tower supplant the observatory in Greenwich, England, to […] IN 1988 ROSTENKOWSKI ACTUALLY SUPPORTED AND HELPED FORMULATE A VERY GOOD HEALTH CARE PLAN…THE REAGAN MEDICARE CASTASTROPHIC COVERAGE ACT…..IT INCLUDED A VERY MINOR RISE IN MEDICARE FEES FROM SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS…..ROSTENKOWSKI WAS VICIOUSLY ATTACKED BY AARP…..ONE WOMAN ACTUALLY STABBED HIM WITH AN UMBREALLA AND A GROUP OF ANGRY SENIORS ALMOST OVERTURNED HIS CAR…..TOO BAD….IT […]
Gore concedes on climate this year Gore concedes on climate this year Steve Milloy, Speaking about the likelihood of climate bill being passed by Congress in 2010, Al Gore told a conference call of supporters tonight that, “this battle has not been successful and is pretty much over for this year.†Gore bitterly […] The Gray Lady’s Veil By Marilyn Penn In a front page article about the Ground Zero Mosque in Wednesday’s Times (8/11/10), reporter Anne Barnard manages to incorporate the following loaded phrases: volatile post 9/11 passions and politics; combustible debate…characterized by powerful emotions and mistaken information…and a national political climate in which no preparation could […] By DANIEL HENNINGER TOLERANCE AT GROUND ZERO If there is a silver lining in the fight over Manhattan’s “Ground Zero Mosque,” it is to see that the events of September 11, 2001 remain strong in the public mind. Thus it is affirming, in an ironic way, to see partisans on the left and right […]
The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release August 11, 2010 Statement by the President on the Occasion of Ramadan On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I want to extend our best wishes to Muslims in America and around the world. Ramadan Kareem. Ramadan is a time when Muslims around […]
Two Holocaust books you can judge by their covers By Larry Domnitch Forty-two years ago, a book with an explosive title and a jarring cover illustration shook the American public’s faith in one of the nation’s most beloved presidents. Two Holocaust books you can judge by their covers By Larry Domnitch Published: Wednesday, August 11, […] Freedom’s Edge Mysteries Of The Absent Imam Feisal Claudia Rosett, 08.11.10, 6:53 PM ET For a man whom one would hope has nothing to hide, the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project sure has dropped out of sight. Having triggered an uproar in the U.S., Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf ducked out of the […]
We Have Arrived: As the Mosque De Triomphe Goes Up in New York, Canada has Bigger Balls than America Posted by Julia Gorin While American politicians almost across the board have either stayed silent or endorsed the erection of Le Mosque de Triomphe just yards away from where Muslims recently killed thousands of Americans, […] The Economist’s unforgivable silence on Sayyid Qutb’s anti-Semitism By Richard Cohen Tuesday, August 10, 2010; A17 I always read the Economist magazine. I like many things about it, but I particularly cherish its book reviews. They are cogent and snappily written, and they often deal with books that I don’t find reviewed elsewhere. An […]