Holder’s Hypocrisy Holder will continue to embarrass the nation until he steps down. Attorney General Eric Holder has developed a bad habit of accusing others of acting in bad faith while doing so himself. Take the issue of Guantanamo Bay. In Aspen, Colo., last week, Holder accused Congress of playing politics by preventing President […]
The Shifting Landscape of Passport Fraud 9cd6fb59af90480d901d215ad29b35d6 By Scott Stewart The recent case involving the arrest and deportation of the Russian intelligence network in the United States has once again raised the subject of document fraud in general and passport fraud in particular. The FBI’s investigation into the group of Russian operatives discovered that […]!/page/full Cal Thomas We Can Do It! The co-chairs of President Obama’s Debt and Deficit Commission painted a gloomy picture of the economy last weekend when they appeared at the closing session of the National Governors Association meeting in Boston. Former Wyoming Republican Senator Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, former White House chief of staff […]
O’Reilly’s Burqa Betrayal Posted By Jamie Glazov Bill O’Reilly is clearly continuing his shameless and cowardly surrender to Sharia Law. Daily on his program, The O’Reilly Factor on, he engages in the standard and phony obfuscations about the jihadi threat the West faces, consistently refusing to honestly name and label the Islamic foundations […]
The Music World Goes Anti-Israel – Part II Posted By Rob Harris [Editor’s note: This is the second installment of a three-part series. Part III will appear in tomorrow’s issue. Click here [1] for Part I.] It has been observed that BDS groups, which seek the boycott, divestment, and sanctioning of Israel to isolate […]
Europe’s Backlash Against Islamization Posted By Ryan Mauro Facing a precarious future, Europe has only just begun to reckon with increasing Muslim populations and Islamic extremism. If current demographic trends [1] persist, Europe’s democratic secular foundations will be in serious jeapordy in about twenty five years. This disturbing reality is causing a backlash, forcing […] Justice: Sanctuary cities safe from law Arizona’s policy ‘actually interferes’ By Stephen Dinan and Kara Rowland Updated: 9:10 p.m. on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 Elvira Arellano, left, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who has taken refuge in a Chicago church to avoid deportation for the last year, stands with others involved in the sanctuary […] Green economics and the Void of Desire By John Hayward Whatever “green jobs” are, it’s very clear America doesn’t want them. President Obama has been pushing a proposal that would spend more than $1 million for each permanent green job created in a solar-power boondoggle. Billions were placed at the disposal of avowed communist […]
Israel Skewered by Medical Journal Israel Skewered by Medical Journal Honest Reporting The Lancet publishes a multi-article series on Palestinian health written by Israel boycotters that goes way beyond accepted medical norms. The history of politicization of science for political ends is long, and sadly, destructive. As HonestReporting has previously highlighted, formerly credible medical media […]
NRO — The Corner Wednesday, July 14, 2010 Re: Al Qaeda is Racist [Andy McCarthy] Jonah, Jen Rubin had a very different take on this at Contentions, and she directs her remarks at President Obama’s spin on the intelligence community’s theory. I think this is more revealing about our government than it is about al […]